Random Randomness

May 11, 2008 00:28

Hello, everyone out there in LJ Land! ^_^ Just thought I'd drop a post with some update-type things and my random observations for the evening.

First, I *am* making more progress with the ficlets! I'm down to, what, 10 more now? :p No sweat! Of course, I didn't foresee writing them as long as I have been, but I'm enjoying it, so it's all good. ^_^ However! I'm putting a cap on requests now. The request post is officially closed (in case anyone else was wondering). Unless you have a serious burning desire for me to write Sam/Dean (and I'm not above it right now O_O), I'm gonna concentrate on the remaining requests and *then* put up a collection post with links to everything. :p

Second, I am reading *way* too much Wincest for my own good. XD I spent all of today checking out the fics that red_handed recced here, and have found that no indeed, the boys do not squick me one iota. Those of you that really, *really* know me, know why. :p Also downloaded and watched 3 eps from S1, so I'm slowly getting caught up! :)

Third, yes, I uploaded more new icons. Is anyone surprised? Had *this* one made for me by sweetgirl7808 (she has a few dozen for other fandoms made up like this at her journal - go look!), and I LOVE it! I just couldn't resist the irony, since Jensen was on SV, and there's so much SV Clark/Bruce fic out there. XD If someone wanted, say, a Clark/Lex version, I'm sure she would oblige, and the irony would be all the more sweeter. ^_~

Fourth, I'm getting itchy for a new layout. Yes, it's that time again. :p I know, I'm hopeless.

And last, why in the heck am I reading all this SPN fic and worrying about icons and layouts when I should be working on Lost Years!? O_O My icon demands it! Gah!


Well, that's my quota of random randomness for the evening. Night, all! *huge hugs* ^_^

updates: lj/dw/other, lj: icons, updates: fannish, updates: ficcish

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