Title: Unexpected Effects II
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Clark/Bruce (Bruce POV)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 104
Prompt: For
dcu_freeforall - T05; P11: Lavender (Kryptonite)
Summary: A new form of kryptonite has even *more* disastrous results.
Disclaimer: DC and WB own it all. I own nothing. Darnit.
Author's Notes: Haiku fic in 8 stanzas. Sequel to
Unexpected Effects.
Unexpected Effects II
"What happened to you?"
He stands before me, different,
mute shock on his face.
Soft curves and full lips,
I recognize him at least.
His clothes don't fit him.
A minute passes,
he opens his hand and there's
a single crystal.
"Is that--? It can't be."
"It's... lavender kryptonite,"
he mutters at last.
"That's not possible!"
I rant at the discovery.
His - her - nod tells all.
A new form of K,
new and undocumented,
has turned Clark into...
"Stop staring like that,"
he growls. But the sound is so...
different. Feminine.
"Sorry," I manage,
still too shocked to stop looking.
Clark is a woman.
* * * * *
And just because I don't feel like using a full header...
Haiku Ficlet: Stone | DCU | Bruce Wayne | G | 21w | A gargoyle comes to life.
still, cloaked in shadow
beneath carved granite statue
gargoyle, in essence
patient, awaiting
movement from below, alarm
stone becomes the Bat
* * * * *