In a fortuitous 'stumble' across the interwebs, hubby found
this program, designed as a NOVEL WRITING TOOL. It's called yWriter4, it was designed by a novel writer/programmer, and it - so far - appears to be the best thing since sliced bread. O_O It works almost like a database, keeping all your scenes and chapters straight, so you don't have 5 gazillion files and/or 1 ginormous file all cluttered up with everything. There's even room for notes for not just each chapter, but each *scene*, and places for overviews, summaries, outlines, etc. I'm not sure what this could mean for beta-ing, but on the whole, it looks VERY promising.
If you're writing a multi-chapter fic, go download it now!! It's absolutely frackin' FREE, and it works with every version of Windows ever made. O_O
*dies a little*
Oh, and the guy has about a dozen other kinds of software he's developed - check those out, too! And... gods, he's got an LJ!!