Title: Lost Years - Part 5
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Rating: NC-17 (overall); Hard R (this section) - for language and sexual situations
Word Count: 4,230 (this section)
Prompt: For the World's Finest Gift Exchange, #F46: Batman and Superman are stranded on a lonely planet and are lost for years before returning home. What happens? Universe
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Comments 32
Typical Batdickery here, but understanding Bruce's motivations makes me just nudge him instead of bopping him over the head. ;)
Poor Clark! Finally reaching the point where he thinks he's becoming like the Joker! :)
It is a fascinating psychological situation. An entire planet with just the two of them! They would be Looney Tunes quickly if they didn't have each other.
Interesting little tidbit about the JLA arguing about the search and somehow, Clark hearing them.
I can't wait for the next chapter! :)
I'm glad I could show Bruce's motivations, and, you know, have him start to make up for everything. :p
*hugs Clark* I so hated to do that to him.
Not to worry, though, I think they're pretty much together from here on out, aside from a few small... aberrations.
And you caught the bit about the JLA.... *whistles innocently* ^_~
Thanks again!!
I am so glad Bruce went back. Damn Bat! They want want another so badly. You did a great job showing that.
Wonderful, as always.
And I really couldn't just leave it with Bruce not going back... :p
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He can definitely be a stubborn asshole, but at least he knows it and is gonna start making up for it. :p
The bit about the JLA... hmmm.... *whistles innocently* Might be a red herring. Then again, it might not. ^_~
I'll probably have part 6 up on Monday.
Thanks so much!!
The part where Clark could hear everything Bruce did yet they were apart, so sad...
Wonderful update, I hope you update again soon!
I should have Part 6 up by Monday afternoon.
That's excellent news that the next update will be up so quickly!
Thanks again!
The last part of the chapter was incredibly sweet and poignant: Clark awakening to having the real Bruce with him, his fear that it had all been a dream, Bruce apologizing and cooking breakfast for Clark... It was perfect!
I'm glad you are going to post more of this great story soon!
Clark's tirade wasn't actually in the chapter, originally, but the muse was being damned insistent, so I went back and put it in. :p He really did need to get that out, I think.
You're definitely right about Bruce being in denial. He's in denial about a lot of things. :/ And he's still got a lot of coming around to do.
Glad you liked the last bit. They both really needed that moment of apology.
Thanks again! I'm glad you're liking the story so far. ^_^
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