*dusts off cobwebs*

Feb 29, 2016 18:39

Hey all! Guess what, I'm still alive!

It's been entirely too long since I posted here, but it's time to get back into it. Why now, you ask? Because I've got a new ship!!! That's right, after a long absence from anything resembling fandom, I finally have something to squee over again. And guess what, it's DC-related! I've fallen hopelessly in love with Ray Palmer/Leonard Snart. That's right, Coldatom, here I come! I've got all the nostalgia from SR fandom (is there anyone around here from back in the BRC days?), plus a shiny new slash ship and weekly doses of ship-love with DC's Legends of Tomorrow.

I've been kicking around the dreaded tumblr, even made an account last night so I could get everything in one place (though I'm still pretty clueless about how fandom even works over there), and I've been reading a lot of the fic over at AO3. I might even (gasp!) try to write some fic myself. It's been almost 2 years since I last wrote anything, ffs.

So, anyone want to get the band back together? Where do I go now? What do I do? Should I re-up my paid accts here and on LJ? I can't make decisions; I'm a president!

This entry was originally posted at http://saavikam77.dreamwidth.org/361908.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

fandom: dcu, updates: fannish

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