Ficlet: Open Invitation | DCU/SR | Lana/Lois/Richard | PG-13 | 1/1

Nov 05, 2012 21:15

Title: With Fortune's Hand IV: Four Relationships That Never Happened, But Could Have: Open Invitation
Fandom: DCU/Superman Returns/Superman Movieverse fusion
Pairing: Lana Lang/Lois Lane/Richard White
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 633
Prompt: For Porn Battle XIII: grief, protect, tears, offer
Summary: After Clark's funeral, Lana and Richard extend an offer to Lois.
Disclaimer: DC and WB own everything, the schmucks.
Author's Notes: Originally posted here. Warning for recent character death (Clark), but don't worry, he gets better! Third in this part of the With Fortune's Hand Series, and chronologically follows A Priceless Gift. (Oh, and I'm reposting fic written way back during the last Porn Battle. Wow, late much? :p)

Open Invitation

When Lois found herself alone in Clark’s old bedroom with Richard and Lana after the wake at the farmhouse, the two of them giving her that serious look, she knew she’d been well and truly cornered.

“What?” she asked through a sheen of tears that hadn’t quite stopped all damn day. Another long pull off of her beer-part of Clark’s request for his wake, if it could be believed-and she sat down heavily on his bed, glaring up at her and Clark’s exes. Knowing them, this was probably some ploy to get her to open up about her grief over Clark’s death.

The pair exchanged a tight look, some sort of silent conversation that they seemed to have become well-versed in over the years, and Lana’s expression softened before she sat next to Lois, gently placing a warm hand on her back. “Lois,” the redhead started, “we think you should come stay with us for a while. You’ve been shut in at home for too long.”

Lois’s brows furrowed, and she swiped a hand over her eyes to clear away the wetness. “Pardon?”

Sitting on her left, Richard snaked an arm around her waist. “We don’t want you to be alone, okay? I know Bruce has been coming by, but we all know that’s not enough. And frankly, we’re worried about you. I think you could use some better company, and a warm bed to snuggle up in. Besides, with the kids at our place already, it makes sense for you to be there, too.”

But Lois didn’t quite catch that last part. All she heard was ‘Bruce isn’t good company, and you should be in our bed’. That couldn’t be right.

Blinking at them in turn, Lois lifted a brow. “Wait a minute. Is this some sort of … of open invitation to a threesome or something?”

To her surprise, Lana’s other hand landed on her lap, fingers lightly squeezing her thigh beneath her skirt. “If you want,” she said quietly. “You really shouldn’t be alone right now.”

Oh. Oh!

A quick glance over to Richard found Lois’s ex smirking like the cat that ate the canary. “Whatever you need, Lo. We’re here for you.”

Lois almost couldn’t keep herself from bursting out laughing, her tears suddenly dried up as she realized she really had been cornered, but for reasons she hadn’t expected at all. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, and she shook her head. “I appreciate the offer,” she said gently. “But … I think I’m okay.”

At Lana and Richard’s twinned worried looks, she quickly added, “I mean, I’ll be happy to come stay for a while, but I’ve been … taken care of in that department. Bruce has been really good to me.”

Both of her friends returned expressions of surprise, and their hands slowly slid away from her. “Oh,” Lana breathed. “Well, isn’t this embarrassing.”

A small laugh finally escaped Lois, and she leaned over to place a small kiss on Lana’s quickly reddening cheek. “It’s okay. Like I said, I appreciate the offer. You two are the best friends a woman could ask for. And I really could use some more company.”

“Okay, then. It’s settled,” Richard nodded, leaning back in to hug Lois around the shoulders. “You’ll come back to Metropolis with us and stay for however long you need to.”

At that, Lois smiled even wider. These two would definitely keep her on her toes, which, if she was honest with herself, was exactly what she needed right now. But there was one thing still bothering her. Sitting up straighter, she mused out loud, “How do we tell Bruce he’s gotta fly back to Gotham alone?”

All three of them winced in unison, and light laughter filled the room.


fandom: dcu: superman reeveverse, fandom: dcu, ch: lana lang, ch: lois lane, series: superman: aftermath, fic: challenge fic, fic: ficlet, fandom: dcu: superman returns, pr: lana lang/lois lane/richard white, ch: richard white, challenge: porn battle, series: with fortune's hand, .fic, fandom: dcu: superman movieverse

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