Ficlet: Solution | DCU | Jason/Tim | PG | 1/1

Sep 05, 2012 17:50

Title: Solution
Fandom: DCU
Characters/Pairing: Jason Todd/Tim Drake
Rating: PG
Word Count: 335
Prompt: For comicdrabbles: #009: Gasp; For dcu_freeforall: Blush
Summary: All Tim needs is a little silence and solitude.
Disclaimer: DC and WB own everything, the schmucks.
Author's Notes: No particular 'verse, just Tim being adorable and Jason being awesome.


Alone in his room, Tim sat crossed-legged on the floor, letting his eyes slide shut. Silence, solitude, stillness, it was all he needed to really ground himself, to allow his mind to relax and find answers without his usual calculation.

Breath in, breath out. Deep, even. Three … two … one.


Centered, he continued to breathe rhythmically, tension and anxiety and the stress of a long week draining away. Though he was versed in most forms of meditation, he found this one to be particularly useful, giving him the instant alpha state he needed as the stillness took care of that tension. Here, without the constant pressure of his whirlwind of thoughts, decisions came easier, solutions presenting themselves without him having to reach for them. Here, he could-

A sudden shiver ran down his spine and he sucked in a gasp, his eyes flying open, gooseflesh rising on his arms, and his body automatically flinching away from the fingertips that dared to play at the nape of his neck.

“Dammit, Jason,” he spat, instant fury curling in his chest, then uncurling just as fast when he saw the mirth dancing in Jay’s eyes.

“Are you seriously meditating on whether we should go out tonight? It wasn’t like I asked you to go on a mission to Mars on our one night off. Just a movie.”

Tim’s cheeks and ears heated, a blush rising hard and fast, but he couldn’t deny it. “So what if I was?”

Jason offered him a hand, tugging him up from the floor easily. “No need to be defensive, Baby Bird. I figured you wouldn’t feel like heading out when I saw your epic pout, so I went ahead and ordered a couple pizzas. Now put on some pajamas and meet me downstairs in ten. Movie night in tonight.”

A small laugh escaped Tim as he shook his head and went in search of pj’s. It wasn’t what he’d been expecting, but sure enough, the solution had come to him effortlessly.


challenge: dcu_freeforall, fandom: dcu, fic: challenge fic, fic: ficlet, ch: tim drake, challenge: comicdrabbles, ch: red robin, ch: jason todd, pr: red hood/red robin, ch: red hood, .fic, pr: jason todd/tim drake

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