Title: Through a Mirror...
Fandom: DCU
Characters/Pairing: Overall: Bat Family (w/Jason Todd/Tim Drake[/Dick Grayson]); This part: Jay, Alfred, Dick, Damian
Rating: R (for Jay's mouth)
Word Count: 1,337
Prompt: For
dcu_freeforall: Friction; For
The 2011 DCU Free For All Autumn Challenge: Mirror, Blood; For
2011 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge: Apples, Pumpkin
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*smishes you tight*
Thanks so much, hon. :) The second part will be up today.
I've missed your DC fic so much. Especially your Jay/Tim. ^_~
Yeaaaaah, DC. >>;; Comics wise, only Marvel has won me back (because of movies of awesome and they unkilled Bucky, which was my only comic problem). DC reboot, ehh, I'll see when I'm back. Ohgod, less than a month. D:
Ugh, postage is insane. Especially international!
I'm still pretty pissed at DC for the reboot crap, and what they've done to all my fave characters. So, I'm living in pre-reboot land, pre-Flashpoint, pre-everything that sucks. :p It's a nice place to stay, muse-wise, and I figure I can do whatever I want with it. ^_~
And yay, just a month! \O/ We'll be glad to have you back in the US, sweetie. :)
Yeah, really. 0.85 euro per postcard. @_@ I might write a bunch and send them when I get back. >>;;
Yeeeeeeeeeah. I need to get back in that mindset. It's happening slowly. :/ I have a hard time staying in a fandom when I don't have new material to play with though. :/
But Itaaaaaly. Omg, I'm totally gonna say me being here made Berlusconi resigned. He got scared of my AWESOME. >:D
I already watch DW, just not into the fandom. *shrug* It apparently takes a lot to get me into a fandom (except for how I'm suddenly into The Vampire Diaries, b/c Ian is my Jay >:D). And I hear you about needing new material. But that's what I have fic for. Reading other people's fic helps keep me in the right mindset. :p
And yep, Berlusconi ran away like a scaredy cat. >:D You are clearly too awesome for the likes of him.
*drags into fandom with the promises of crossovers? Jason can steal a TARDIS instead of Batmobile tires* Hard to read the fics when fics tend to be written about newer material. :/ It's a vicious circle.
Muwahaha. Totally the truths, man. <3
And yep, I hear ya'. Thankfully, there's still good stuff if you look in the right places. :p
Yeah. My fic searching prowess didn't come with me to Italy, unfortunately. @___@
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