My help_japan Offer

Mar 13, 2011 21:26

I'll be offering crocheted cherry blossom bookmarks for help_japan, rather than fic. As many as I can possibly make. One bookmark (in red or white Caron Simply Soft acrylic yarn, or pink if I can get hold of the yarn) for a Help Japan Livejournal V-gift ($2.99 USD). My offer is up HERE, and here's a (fuzzy, sorry) photo of 2 sample bookmarks.

Each bookmark is ~12" total length, the large flower is ~2" diameter, and the small flower is ~1" diameter.

I'm totally willing to do these on the fly before the bidding closes on the main auction, so if anyone wants one, just comment and send a v-gift (doesn't have to be to me, of course), and PM me with an addy. I'll mail anywhere and pay postage.

*sending lots of hugs and love to everyone affected by the quake and tsunami*

rl: crafts, lj: v-gifts, .announcement/pimping, rl: news, announcement/pimping: misc

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