Title: Under the Mistletoe
Fandom: Heroes
Characters/Pairing: Lt. Maggie Silver, Matt/Mohinder, Molly
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,964
Prompt: "Matt and Mohinder at the police station's holiday party. Preferably with some POV that is NOT Matt or Mohinder. I.E: One of Matt's co-workers, or their significant other's thoughts about how adorable they
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Comments 25
I love the character of Maggie and the alliance she and Matt have formed; you should do more with her. How they got to know each other, formed said alliance, etc.
I can't help wondering if Matt's gonna get in trouble with the boss for PDA going a tad bit beyond what's usual decorum at a holiday party for work; but hey, whatever works for these guys :D
This made me wish i was at home kissing my hubby.
This couple is so freaking adorable :dies of cute:
I really love Maggie's character as well, especially in the DCU. She's made of awesome. ^_^ Maybe I will have to use her again... *evil smirk*
I think the Captain is just more glad the 'testosterone patrol' was taken down a peg. :p Of course, this is *my* universe, so the Captain here isn't the same hard-ass from the show. :p Though I think he may be taking away the spiked punch quite soon. ^_^
Thanks so much, again! :D
I wish my company parties could a fraction as awesome as that. Alas we just have ucky finger food, uncomfortable conversation, and non-spiked punch...I should have been a cop.
Don't think I've ever been to one that good, either.
~I have made this vow a time or two after watching Heroes and deciding that I wanted a female Mohinder all my very own... ^_~ Then I decided I could not do much in India, so I would go to China...
On a relevant note, I love this fic! The use of another character was delicately achieved and beautifully executed. I highly admire your ability to show them as an established couple and how they could work together.
And I really liked Maggie! ^_^
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much! :D I really enjoyed showing them from the outside, especially Matt's telepathy.
Maggie was totally awesome. And she has fab taste. Mohinder totally does transcend orientation. Houseplants probably follow him like the sun.
Matt's 'lip reading' cover story is gold!
LMAO!!! XD He could probably have his pick of any partner, (human, animal, plant, or otherwise) that tickled his fancy! :p *hugs Maggie*
Glad you liked the 'lip reading' story. :p I figure Matt's gotta come up with *something* to cover for his telepathy. ^_~
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