Title: Written in Old Lights on a Tree
Fandom: Smallville (w/hints of Reeveverse)
Pairing: Clark Kent/Lois Lane (w/past Martha/Jonathan)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,552
Prompt: For the
12days_of_clois 2010 Christmas Challenge: #42 (String of Lights); For the
2010 DCU Free For All Winter Holidays Challenge: Christmas Tree, Twinkling Lights/Star/Sparkle
Summary: When Clark heads off to the store to buy new lights for their first tree together, Lois stumbles upon a treasure in one of the ornament boxes, and its history brings some interesting visions to mind.
Spoilers: For all of Smallville, STM, and SII
Author's Notes: I'd originally planned on a Reeveverse fic for this prompt, but when the Smallville bunny hit, it was simply too good to pass up. This falls either post-series or a little AU of S10 (and if Lois participated in Christmas at the Kent Farm at any time in canon, I've totally forgotten; consider this AU of that, too).
Written in Old Lights on a Tree