A little ficcish update and some pimping...

Nov 21, 2010 16:00

Hey all!

I'm happy to report that my muses seem to be in serious gear right now! :D I've been ficcing like mad, working on everything from Aftermath-verse stuff to WFGE (woohoo!!) to the (Un)Familiar-verse. (Un)Wanted will go up later this evening, as will 3 Jason Todd comment fics that I whipped out the other day. I've also got all the songs chosen for a ficmix I'm doing for a gift exchange, and *finally* got the 2010 DCU FFA Winter Holidays Challenge posted!

Now, I'm just waiting for my Yuletide assignment, and for a 12 Days challenge to be posted. *chomps at the bit* >:D

It's a good time to be in my head, apparently. :p

challenge: dcu_freeforall, .saavi is insane!, announcement/pimping: challenge, .announcement/pimping, comm: dcu_freeforall, updates: fannish, updates: ficcish

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