Unf*cking believable...

Mar 23, 2010 01:02

I've been a more-or-less active member of The Planet forums for nearing 4 years. And then THIS comes down the line.

I just. I don't even. The entire forum and BT.net is closing for good. Let me repeat that, for those that didn't hear: The entire forum and BT.net is closing for good!! As far as I can tell, that means the BR.C, too.

There is so much stuff that needs to be saved from the forums, you guys, YOU HAVE NO IDEA. My Aftermath thread there is *238 PAGES*!! ~O_O~ And then there are the pic threads. And the wonderful crack manips from the post-a-thon threads. And so much fan art!

I'm gonna go weep until I pass out, possibly take a muscle relaxant for my arms, and hope I can sleep through the night. Ow.

(Sis, sis, how did you guys deal when the Ioan forums went down? O_O Gods, I don't want to lose this great place, even if we've had our differences!)

fandom: dcu, misc: wtf?, .announcement/pimping, announcement/pimping: fandom, updates: fannish

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