Title: Advantages
Fandom: TOS/Mirror-verse
Characters: Mirror!Number One, Mirror!Pike, Mirror!Spock
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 226
Prompt: For the
Number One Gen Fest: #31 Logic
Summary: Number One makes her move.
Disclaimer: CBS and Paramount own it all. I own nothing. Darnit!
Author's Notes: First time writing Mirror-verse. Go figure. :p
After a year of biding her time as the First Officer of the Enterprise, under Pike's command, One knew it was high time she set things in motion to advance to the Captain's chair herself. She'd won Pike's trust, gotten him to believe she was loyal to him, would never challenge him. She'd taken the Science Officer, Spock, under her wing as a protege, groomed him to fill her position once she made her move, slowly squashed whatever ambition he'd been harboring that could get in her way later.
Her timing couldn't be better.
But one thing remained.
She hadn't let that arrogant prick of a Captain actually touch her, despite his clear interest. Logic, as Spock might say, dictated that she should use every weapon in her feminine arsenal to get the job done. Going to Pike, allowing him to take her into his bed, could give her just the advantage she needed.
Riding with him in the turbolift on their way to the Bridge for Alpha shift, she turned her cool, hard gaze on the Captain, his own focus far away from his trusted XO, and drew her knife, advantages be damned.
One had never thought much of logic, especially that of the Vulcan variety.
And later on the Bridge, with Spock collared and kneeling at her side, his bowed head serving as her armrest, that view was made known.