2 Ficlets: At the End of the Day; On a Ferris Wheel | SPN | Sam/Dean | PG | 1/1 each

Jan 12, 2010 18:16

Titles: At the End of the Day; On a Ferris Wheel
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG
Word Counts: 310; 154
Prompts/Summaries: For comment_fic: Sam and Dean ride a ferris wheel; For fandom_stocking: Sam and Dean are freakin' exhausted.
Disclaimer: Kripke and WB own it all. I own nothing. Darnit!
Author's Notes: Two more reposts, with a lot more to come (all DCU!).

At the End of the Day

They're about a hundred miles outside Denver and not nearly close enough the next city down the highway when Dean pulls off at an exit to find them a hotel for the night, too tired to keep heading east and hungry as hell. Hot off of their latest hunt, a bad one without much of a happy ending, he's drained, and he knows Sam's gotta be feeling it just as hard.

Pulling the Impala into the lot at the first hotel they come to, he picks a spot and parks, shuts off the engine with a turn of the key. "I'll get us a room, you grab the bags, and we'll order a pizza or something," he suggests, leaning back in the seat and dropping his head against the headrest. He wants to get out and get situated for the night, but fuck, he just doesn't want to move yet. He can hardly keep his eyes open at this point, so he doesn't even try, letting them slip shut.

"Sure," Sam says from the passenger seat, shifting against the leather. "In a minute."

And Dean feels the seat dip beside him as Sam leans closer, the weight of his brother coming to rest against his side and his head resting on Dean's shoulder. "'Kay," he answers sleepily. That's what they need, to sleep this off. Get a long, hot shower, gorge on greasy breakfast food.

Sam tilts his head back, and Dean feels lips press against his neck, soft and warm and just barely wet. "C'mon, lets go. It'll be easier to curl up in an actual bed."

"Mmm," Dean agrees, groaning as he tries to gather himself. It'd be damned tempting to just fall asleep right here, but the draw of a warm bed with his Sammy in it is just too strong. "All right, I'm right behind you."


On a Ferris Wheel

It isn't anything like Sam had ever imagined, actually riding a Ferris Wheel for the first time in his life. For one thing, he's already grown, and that feeling of wonderment at rising high above the carnival is completely lost on him. For another, he isn't exactly sitting next to the cute girl from homeroom, all wide-eyed and innocent.

No, instead, it's Dean next to him. Dean, who'd probably taken a dozen girls on Ferris Wheels by the time he got out of high school. Dean, who's busy pointing and laughing at the pimply-faced kids on the ground that stand absolutely no chance with their dates. Dean, who's hand is still sticky from his cotton candy, and insists on twining those sticky fingers with Sam's.

It's not a girl with soft curves and a soft smile, blushing and shy. It's Dean. Hard, snarky, obnoxious Dean.

And Sam wouldn't have it any other way.


fic: challenge fic, fic: ficlet, fandom: supernatural, ch: sam winchester, pr: dean winchester/sam winchester, .fic, ch: dean winchester, challenge: comment_fic

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