Title: Sniff-Sniff; Behind Hazel Eyes
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean & Kitten!Sam (gen)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 362; 350
Prompt: For
comment_fic: Dean & kitten!Sam, little pink nose, and hazel eyes
Summary: The continuing adventures of Dean and his brother-turned-kitten, after the spell hasn't worn off so quickly as they'd hoped.
Disclaimer: Kripke and WB own it all. I own nothing. Darnit!
Author's Notes: Comment_fic reposts from September. Oy, I'm so far behind! But hey, you get more kitten!Sam, and there will likely be more still, so there's an upside at least! :p These follow
Tiny Sasquatch.
Waking to the growing light of morning, Dean slowly became aware of the tickle of fur against his cheek, and steady breaths of warm air puffing against his neck.
The hell?
His eyes popped open as he shoved aside a stab of panic, unable to figure out why there was something fuzzy curled up on--
The sleeping form of his brother-turned-kitten greeted him with another puffed-out breath, and Dean sucked in a breath of silent relief himself, the events of the previous day coming back to him in all their tiny, kitten-sized glory.
The chuckle that escaped him at that just couldn't be helped.
"So, still a kitten, huh?" he smirked, reaching up to rub little Sammy behind the ears to wake him.
Leaning into Dean's touch, the kitten yawned, and his slight body trembled with a stretch as he pushed himself up on his tiny paws, claws extended. He blinked a few times, furry face scrunched up for a moment, then looked Dean square in the eyes and gave a short, decisive meow, his little pink nose twitching as he sniffed the air.
Dean sniffed automatically then, probably out of conditioning to take cues when given, he figured, ignoring the abject cuteness of that tiny, twitching nose.
"You're right," he said after a moment, giving the kitten a scrutinizing look, "It stinks in here. D'you make it to the litterbox like you were supposed to?"
Another decisive meow, and Dean shrugged to himself. "All right, all right, I believe ya', quit your bitchin'."
Scooping up his brother with one hand, Dean moved him off of his chest and set him on the bed so he could sit up and slide out from under the covers. "Stay here. I need a shower, and then we can go grab some breakfast and figure this out."
Sam gave him his tiny little bitch-face, nose still working indignantly, and Dean finally couldn't help himself as he stepped through the room. "Yeah, keep it up, and you'll be the one getting a bath. See how you like that."
Disappearing into bathroom, Dean could swear he heard his brother growling his adorable little kitten growl. Man, Sammy was never gonna get a break once this was over.
Behind Hazel Eyes
When Dean got out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist, he found little Sammy curled up and purring on top of his duffel on the other bed, hazel eyes wide and looking at him intently.
"What?" he said, scooping the kitten out of the way so he could dig for clean clothes.
Sam just eyed him, sniffing the air again.
It was downright disturbing, Sam's same eyes watching him so closely from that fuzzy little face, nose scrunched up. Reminded Dean of times he'd managed to piss off his brother when they were kids. The glare was the worst part of the bitch-face, hands down.
"What?" he barked again, feeling that gaze on him. "It's not like I stink anymore, Sam."
Throwing on a t-shirt and pulling on briefs and jeans, he discarded the towel in the corner, then found his boots and plopped down next to the tiny kitten and shoved his feet into them, laced them up.
Sam sniffed again, still glaring.
And that was just enough. Picking him up by the scruff to hold him up in front of his face, Dean stared him down. "I don't know what your deal is, but you're weirding me out here, man. What's with the evil eye?"
Curled up in his brother's grasp, the gray tabby kitten blinked hard, then gave a sharp meow in protest.
"Fine, be like that. Here I thought we were getting along pretty good, but if you're just gonna keep bitching, you can spend the day in my coat pocket. How do you like that?"
Sam only blinked again, then finally lowered his hazel gaze and licked Dean's wrist with his bright pink tongue.
Heaving a sigh, Dean put the kitten down in his lap and stroked a hand over his scruff and back, smoothing down his rumpled fur. "Apology accepted. Now let's get going. We've got miles ahead of us to get to Bobby's."
Another, softer, meow, and little Sam nuzzled into his hand.
Probably the easiest ended argument they'd ever had. Shit, it was gonna be a hard transition back from this, and Dean wasn't looking forward to it at all.
Original ficlet posts are
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