Morning, all! I've been mulling over an idea for the past few weeks, and I wanted to get all of your input before proceeding any further. Basically, what I'm thinking of doing is hosting a DCU Free For All comment_fic-a-thon, where participants leave and/or fill DCU prompts over at
comment_fic, possibly for participation and winners banners, and maybe even a prize of some paid LJ time from yours truly. The challenge/contest would be hosted here, with participants leaving links to their comment_fic fills in a challenge post here at the Free For All, and would not necessarily be a joint venture with
comment_fic unless the mods over there really wanted to help host the challenge (I'll be contacting them shortly after this poll stirs up some results, to get their input).
If there's sufficient interest, the challenge/contest would likely run over the course of a week, and would fall between the end of the DCU FFA Winter Challenge and the upcoming Spring Challenge, or it might even replace the Spring Challenge altogether this year.
The poll is over
here at the Free For All. If those of you not watching the comm would like to go leave me some quick feedback, I'd greatly appreciate it!