Thank you, and an announcemet

Dec 07, 2009 17:17

First off, a huge THANK YOU to everyone that sent me a snowflake cookie!! XD They really made my day today and yesterday. :) *snugs you all*

Second, I got a bee in my bonnet and went ahead and made a craft journal! :p polycraftual is a membership-closed comm, that I might consider opening up to those of you that are crafty, too.

And on that note, I've been attempting to knit today, when not being eaten by plot bunnies and trying not to put up the Xmas tree without hubby. Yep, Saavi is completely insane. XD

*hugs you all*

rl: crafts, .saavi is insane!, .announcement/pimping, announcement/pimping: lj/dw/other, misc: thank you

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