Ficlet: As it Should Be | STXI | Saavik | PG | 1/1

Dec 01, 2009 21:33

Title: As it Should Be
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Character: Saavik
Rating: PG
Word Count: 175
Prompt: For the latest Drabblefest at where_no_woman: 45) (Your scientists) were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
Summary: Saavik contemplates a wrong made right.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Nada. Zip.
Author's Notes: This is set in my Daughters and Sons series. Are my muses coming back? It's too soon to tell... *bites lip*

As it Should Be

Watching the new garden behind Grandfather's house come alive under her hands, the rock becoming soil as native plants, fungi, invertebrates, and other decomposers slowly take their place in this particular complex of organisms, Saavik thinks back on a particular part of the life she knows she has already lived, and yet, has not. Genesis. Life from lifelessness. Snow in the same sector as a lush jungle. Death and regeneration. So many wrongs, that never should have been allowed to happen.

Here, working side by side with David and Mother and Aunt Joanna as they all help to start the new patch growing at the start of the season, the hard way, there's no room for arrogance or compromised ethics to get the job done. No unstable substances will make the vegetables and herbs grow any faster, or accelerate the evolution of microbes into animals, or regenerate a deceased body.

One day, Grandfather will be buried not far away, and there will be no return from that grave.

In a way, Saavik is relieved.


ch: saavik, challenge: misc star trek, fic: challenge fic, fic: ficlet, fandom: star trek, series: daughters & sons, .fic, fandom: star trek: xi

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