I can't believe I got such a huge response from this! :D Thanks to all who requested. There are still 3 (as of 11:30 AM, 10/23) drabbles/ficlets up for grabs if anyone wants one. Just go back to the original post and leave a comment. :)
FTR, I officially suck at limiting word count. :p These are all pretty much ficlets, between around 150 to around 350 words. Enjoy!
Fandom: DCU
Pairings: Various
Ratings: G to R
Disclaimer: DC and WB own it all. I own nothing. Darnit.
Title: Grins
Pairing: Bruce/Dick
Rating: PG
merfilly - Request: Slice of life
It was the grin that got him. Every time that mouth turned up in delight, laughter bubbling up and sparkling in those bright blue eyes, Bruce's stomach flipped and he thanked the gods that they had seen fit to keep Dick in his life, especially after all they'd been through together.
This evening it seemed that Bruce was blessed with grins, as Dick seemed to be thoroughly enjoying their walk through the sloping gardens reaching down to the slim beach from the Manor. Autumn wind rustled the bright leaves of the garden and the soft wisps of hair covering Dick's ears and neck, the sun setting behind them adding a halo as the perfect touch when the younger man giggled at an offhand remark Bruce made about something completely mundane.
Smiling contentedly, Bruce slipped his hand into his lover's.
“What's that for?” Dick asked, his grin quirking up at one corner.
“Hmm. Just enjoying the company.”
* * * * *
Title: Destiny
Pairing: Jason Todd/Donna Troy
Rating: PG-13
daggerpen Getting involved with someone while on a quest to save the multiverse had been the last thing on Jay's list of priorities, but even now it seemed like the gods were out to make sure he and Donna wound up somehow together. After a hard fight with the 'heroes' of whatever universe this was, Jay limped off to tend to tend to what he figured was a broken rib, hopefully wrap himself if he could find some suitable material, when Donna found him. Scowling, as per her usual, she grasped his shoulder. “You're injured.”
“No shit, Sherlock,” he spat back as he tried to twist out of her grip. But her hand wouldn't budge.
“Let me take care of it, Jason. It'll be impossible to wrap your ribs by yourself, and don't look at me like that!” she finished at his narrowed eyes. “It's not like you can hide your discomfort.”
With obvious effort, Jay sighed in resignation. “Fine,” he snapped. "Just don't let that prick, Rayner find out.”
Donna shook her head, smiling wryly at him. “I don't think that will be an issue,” she loosened her grip and slid her hand down his arm, “Jay.”
* * * * *
Title: Vengeance
Pairing: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
Rating: PG-13
wachey - Request: Dick dominant, low angst
“Oh, you're dead, Todd,” Dick growled as he turned and leapt at Jason, the ice cube Jay had stuck down his sweat pants sliding down to freeze his ankle.
Laughing maniacally, Jay dodged the lunge, but not before Dick got hold of his t-shirt, pulling them both down onto the floor of the living room. The elder Bat got his feet beneath him and pounced Jason, straddling him before his lover could get away, pinning Jay's legs with his own. Mercilessly, he dove in to tickle the spots he knew would drive Jason crazy, beneath his ribcage and the crook of his neck, and was rewarded with squirming shrieks of laughter. “Hahastop!! Aah! Haha!! Aah! Stop!” Jay protested as he flailed beneath the onslaught.
“Nevah!” Dick cried out triumphantly, grinning madly, not easing up in the slightest.
“Gaah! Stopit! Aahaha!! Dick!” Finally Jay grew breathless, and getting his hands on the front of Dick's t-shirt, pulled the other man down to stop him with a hard kiss.
Tickling fingers stilled as Dick joined the kiss, then found new purpose in weaving through Jay's hair as their owner ground against his conquered opponent. The pair's movements grew frantic as passion took hold, Dick dictating the dance as Jay responded beneath him.
For his part, Jay was more than happy to trade the tickle attack for sex, even if it meant letting Dick lead for once. But just when he was about to pull his shirt up over his head to discard it, fingers slipped beneath the waistband of his jeans and shocking cold met his crotch, freezing Jay to trembling stone. The wide-eyed shriek he loosed was met with smirking laughter as Dick kissed him again and rose up.
“There. Now we're even.”
* * * * *
Title: Useful
Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Rating: PG
starsandsea “They're inside,” Superman told his partner as they waited on an adjacent rooftop. “All seven. The weapons are changing hands.”
Batman looked back at him with eyes narrowed behind his cowl. “I don't need x-ray vision for that, Kal. I can see them from here. Through that window,” he retorted, pointing toward the glass panes on the open second level of the warehouse.
A slightly confused expression crossed Kal's features at the snap, followed by mild hurt. “Sorry. I... uh...”
With a sigh, the Bat shook his head. Sometimes Kal could be so thick that it gave him a headache. Bruce had told him he only needed his assistance in case the merchandise in question was actually used, after all, since a toxin-laden heavy concussion blast was a little out of Batman's league. The calculations he'd done had more than proved his own defenses wouldn't be adequate.
Still... he knew Kal hated being used as a living tank. The Kryptonian had a habit of trying to put all his skills to use, even if they sometimes weren't required, just to make himself more useful. This time was no different.
Another sigh. “Kal?”
“Uh-huh?” came Superman's slightly guarded response.
“I'm sorry.”
Kal smiled, his closed demeanor melting into warmth. “Thanks.”
Batman nodded, “Let's go,” and with his grapple in hand, leapt from the roof in a swinging arc.
* * * * *
Title: Explanation
Pairing: Jason Todd/Tim Drake
Rating: PG-13
greeneyelove - Request: Jason with anyone but Donna
A/N: Set some time after Jason attacked Tim at Titans Tower, Countdown continuity discarded
Tim tensed when the shadow moved in front of his window, the outline of a smooth helmet clear against the curtain. If Jason was back to finish what he'd started, he'd have one hell of a fight ahead of him.
But instead of making either the stealthy or crashing entrance Tim expected, Red Hood tapped at the window lightly. Confused, Tim threw the curtain back, finding himself staring into the white lenses of the hood. His breath caught in his chest for a fleeting moment, until Jason spoke.
“We need to talk.”
What? The youngest Bat had to shake his head to make himself understand the contrary gesture. “Talk?” was all he was able to get out.
“Yes, talk. You know. That thing you do when you open your mouth and words come out.” By the time Tim realized Jay was being sarcastic, he had to bite back a scathing retort.
Then it dawned on him that Jason was being serious, too. “So, you're not gonna try to finish me off, then?”
“If I'd wanted that, you'd already be finished, baby bird.”
Still not quite believing it, Tim unlocked the window and swung it open, stepping aside and flipping on the light.
Once inside, Jay stripped off his helmet and deposited it onto Tim's desk, then turned to face the current Robin. Tim met his gaze evenly, still tense, waiting with crossed arms as Jason stepped close to him, the slightly elder Bat's breath finally falling against his skin and making the fine hairs stand on end. “Well?” Tim asked.
“There are some things I need to clear up about why I came here before,” Jay began.
At the multitude of implications, Tim's mind sped into overdrive.
* * * * *
Title: Cheerios
Characters: Superman Returns' Clark, Jason
Rating: G
pervyficgirl - Request: Father/son stuff
Clark had never thought something so simple could be so meaningful, complex, beautiful. Watching his son eat cheerios for the first time was possibly the most amazing thing he'd ever seen, and he couldn't help being enthralled by the spectacle. As little Jason slowly raised his spoon from the bowl, he took special care to not lose a single cheerio or drop of milk, the contents of the spoon vibrating nervously as he watched it closely all the way to his mouth. The slurping crunch of the bite that followed was even more entertaining, and Clark couldn't suppress a giggle at the intense look on his son's face, the little boy's brow scrunched up as he contemplated the slightly sweet taste of the once forbidden cereal.
Jason looked up at his father. “Wha's s' fnny?” he said around his mouthful, slurping to keep from losing any milk.
Rustling Jason's hair, Clark grinned, “Sorry. Hey, how about we try out Apple Jacks tomorrow?”
Jason's smile could have lit up a city.
* * * * *
Title: Dungeon
Pairing: Piper/Trickster
Rating: R
jen_in_japan - Request Prompt: Heavy metal
They'd been on the run for what felt like forever, sleeping on the streets, in back alleys, anywhere they could find shelter and, if possible, food. So far they'd been successful at keeping low, keeping out of sight, but tonight... tonight it looked as if they were done. When they realized the Question was on their trail, Trickster had made the mistake of letting Piper drag him into the first door they came upon.
Instantly the pair was assaulted with the pounding grind of some sort of industrial goth metal that Trickster had only ever heard in passing, but had never been a fan of. The weighted beat thumped in his gut as Piper dragged him through the crowd of exotically dressed club-goers, the pair blending right in with the bright costumes, black goth-wear, and flashing lights. The music and atmosphere were so intense that Trickster could barely make out that Piper was motioning for him to head toward the back, toward a door marked “Dungeon” in white lettering glowing beneath a black light. Dungeon?
Squeezing through the press of bodies on the dance floor, they made it to the door just in time for Piper to turn and see Question's fedora appear at the far side of the crowd. Panicking, he shoved Trickster ahead of him and through the door.
In the Dungeon, the throbbing music from the club was muted, the lights low, but not low enough for Trickster to miss the writhing bodies strung up with leather restraints, their cries coming in a dozen flavors of pain and ecstasy as skimpily clad partners delivered a wide variety of tortures and pleasures. Feeling himself being pulled along, he managed to tear his attention away from the mesmerizing scene long enough to catch Hartley's wry smirk.
“She won't find us here,” Piper explained over the moans and shrieks, leading them back to a bench in a dark corner behind a standing group of spectators. “Not if we blend in. Trust me.”
Trickster had just enough time to wonder about Piper's taste in extracurricular activities before the dungeon door swung open and Question slipped into the room.
* * * * *
TBC - Because this has demanded to be turned into a larger fic! O_O I cannot be held responsible for the ensuing insanity. :p
* * * * *
Title: Missed You
Pairing: Clark/Lois
Rating: PG-13
jammyjar - Request: Steamy Clois
Lois couldn't help but stare at Clark from across the bullpen. Three days he'd been tied up with rescues thanks to a major hurricane sweeping up the east coast, three days he'd been gone, out of sight - news footage not withstanding - out of reach, out of touch. Three days that Lois hadn't been able to make a single move on her husband.
Her eyes moved over the cleverly hidden curves of his muscles, his pecs, biceps, behind, her mind wandering to what she'd do to him when she got him home. Damn good thing he's invulnerable... she mused.
The pencil she'd been chewing on in her distraction splintered in her mouth, and she hastily spit out the remains and tossed it in the trash, taking a swig of coffee to kill the flavor of wood and graphite. Damn.
When she brought her gaze back up to continue her contemplation, she didn't have to look far, finding Clark already at her side, a concerned look in his widened puppy dog eyes. “Are you okay?” he asked, warm hand on her shoulder.
Standing, she waved the episode off. “Fine. Really. Just...” But she met his gaze squarely and sighed as she knew she couldn't just play it off. “I... I've missed you, Clark. A lot.”
“I've missed you, too,” he answered her, otherworldly blue eyes intense as he brushed the backs of his fingers down her cheek.
An idea struck Lois like lightening. “You know, there's a perfectly good storage closet over there that no one ever goes in.”
Clark's mischievous smirk was all the answer she needed.
* * * * *
Title: Wasted Time
Pairing: Booster Gold/Blue Beetle
Rating: PG-13
sasha_anuA/N: Set after Booster brings Ted back. ^_^
Booster was deeply contemplating his partner's blue spandex-clad ass when Ted turned turned from his work on the Bug and kissed him. Not expecting the gesture, he tensed at first, but was quick to join the kiss, trying not to knock goggles with the other man as they explored each other's mouths with eager tongues. Hands eventually found their way to asses and other parts, and the pair tumbled to the floor of the hangar bay, oblivious to the other Leaguers - namely Batman - that swept past on their way to and from their own vehicles.
Eventually they managed to come up for air, Ted smirking over heavy pants. “How the hell am I supposed to get this damn thing fixed with you staring at my ass all the time, Michael?”
Flashing his trademark grin in return, Booster pulled Ted back down on top of him and kissed him deeply before releasing him, his expression turning serious as he responded, “The Bug can wait. I don't want to waste another second of having you back.”
At that, the hangar bay quickly emptied of other Leaguers, the pair's teammates - even Batman - giving them plenty of space and time to just be together. It was a gesture neither of them would ever forget.
* * * * *
Title: Beneath The Monster
Pairing: Bruce/Harvey
Rating: PG
samibee Feeling the flip of the coin in his hand, Harvey tried desperately to communicate with the man that The Monster was facing down, the man he used to love. But The Monster was in charge, his voice scraping as he leveled threat after threat at Bruce, using Harvey's own memories of their past together as cannon fodder.
Please let him see me, Harvey prayed, willing his eyes to tell the truth, to tell Bruce he was still in here. I'm here, Bruce! I'm here!
A flicker of recognition passed over the eyes half-shaded by the Bat's dark cowl, and Harvey's heart leapt. Oh, thank God!
Bruce's voice was even when he finally responded to the barrage of threats and slurs The Monster kept lobbing at him. “No matter what you think you can do to me, Two-Face, neither I nor Harvey will allow it. You can't hide him in there forever. I can see him, and no matter how you try to conceal him, he's too strong for you to keep buried. I will get him out. I will help him get rid of you.”
Harvey wasn't sure, but he thought he felt a tear slip down his cheek from his good eye. Thank you, Bruce. Thank you.
* * * * *
Title: Spilled Beer
Pairing: Superman Returns' Clark/Jimmy
Rating: PG
trascendenza It takes seventeen weeks, three days, a multitude of partnered stories, one crazy afternoon working a disaster on the Hobbs River Bridge, a late dinner at the Ace O' Clubs, and four beers for Clark to finally realize that not only is Jimmy onto his alter ego, he's also very much into him. Sputtering on a swallow of beer, Clark has to cover his subsequent shocked gape with a hand, knowing his eyes are telling his surprise anyway. He can hear Jimmy's suddenly quickened pulse as the younger man grabs a napkin to help him dab up all the beer he's just spit out, muttering under his breath about how stupid he was to say anything.
After a few moments of tense silence, with Jimmy still absently wiping up the spilled beer, Clark grabs his friend's wrist, forcing his expression calm and willing his own racing heart to slow. “Jimmy... I...”
Jimmy meets his eyes with a pained, embarrassed expression. “Sorry, Clark... I... don't know what I was thinking. Of course you aren't-”
Clark is barely aware that he's moved until he's stopping Jimmy's sentence with a kiss, his shock at his own gesture resolving into certainty in the span of the other man's hitched breath. If only he'd known sooner.
* * * * *
Title: Strange Phenomena
Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Rating: PG
rai_daydreamer - Request: Bruce confesses to Clark how beautiful he thinks he is, maybe by magic.
The short flight between Metropolis and Gotham gives Clark a moment to puzzle out what's going on in the world. It started with the news anchors, giving their opinions on the stories they were delivering, then moved to interviews with politicians, the public figures disclosing their secretive plans for bids for the White House, plans to push bills through Congress that would line their own pockets, plans for invading another Middle Eastern country for purely economic reasons. Then the phenomenon seemed to infiltrate the bullpen itself, spurring his coworkers to spill their guts about what they thought of each other. Even Lois hadn't seemed immune to the outbreak of sudden brutal honesty, telling Perry how much she respected him as a father figure.
It was then that Clark knew something had to be done.
Dropping down from the sky, Clark slips into the Cave to seek out Bruce, hoping the other man might have some clue as to what's happening. “Bruce?” he calls out when he spots him hunched over his computer console, already dressed in full cowl to head out.
The Bat's head snaps up at the greeting, then tilts to the side, and Clark hears him let out a shuddering breath, his knuckles tight against the edge of the console. “Clark... I can't...” The strain in his voice is evident.
“What is it?” Clark asks cautiously, stepping closer and realizing that Bruce's pulse is hammering, his breaths quick. “Are you all right?”
Looking up at the tall Kryptonian, Bruce swallows heavily, and Clark sees the sweat beading down the sides of his face from beneath the cowl. “I... you're... so beautiful. You're like... living sunshine, and...”
Clark doesn't have time to realize what's happening before he's responding, his own voice low, “You're beautiful, too. Dark and pale and beautiful. Like moonlight on a clear, cold night.”
As soon as the words pass his lips he knows it's the truth, knows he can't take them back. Whatever curse this is that's being inflicted upon the world, he's apparently not immune.
“Bruce, what the hell is going on?” he manages. “I'm scared.”
“I have no idea, but I am, too,” Bruce nearly whispers. “I...” The pause is long, before he seems to lose his battle against the force compelling him. “I'm in love with you.”
Bruce's pounding heart is all Clark can hear, the sound completely masking the echoing, jubilant laughter of a certain Fifth Dimensional Imp.
* * * * *