Title: Tiny Sasquatch
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean, Kitten!Sam (gen)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 515
Prompt: For
comment_fic: Dean & kitten!Sam, purr
Summary: It's the cutest curse they'd ever had thrown at them.
Disclaimer: WB and Kripke own it all. I own nothing. Darnit.
Author's Notes: I *SO* couldn't resist this prompt. XD
Tiny Sasquatch )
Sooo cute.
I wanna go watch some episodes to get into shape for the new season. I still swear that with everything they've given us on the show so far that I know something about where Kripke's going with it, but I can't for the life of me figure it out!
Any good rec's for SPN fic that's come out this last year that I may not have read?
So... I don't really have any recs. *shrug*
It's alright. I just haven't been having many SPN conversations here on LJ recently. I've been deep in my personal worship Of Christian Kane and been spazzing about the Leverage season 3 pickup since early Thursday morning when the news broke online. So I'm just now looking at things besides Chris today.
But yeah it's okay that you don't got recs. It was just a shot in the dark...
*wonders which SPN episodes I should watch before the new season*
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