Supes Movieverse Slash Noms Needed!

Jun 22, 2009 11:53

Hey, all you guys on my f-list that happen to read Clark/Bruce and/or Clark/Richard (or any combination therein, with or w/o Lois), the 2009 Superman Movieverse Fanfiction Awards needs your slash nominations! With only *4* noms so far in the Best Slash Romance category, a bit of a narrow playing field this year with regards to the category, and only a week left of the nomination period, we need *your* help gathering noms.

Superman movieverse slash can be found in the following places:

worlds_finest, under the 'fanfic: movieverse' tag; make sure the fic is *Superman* movieverse, and not Smallville/Dark Knight before you nom!

sr_slash (only 2 eligible posted fics there this year, I think)

superman_return; lots of crossover movieverse fic, some slash

Other eligible fic is linked from the Eligible Fics post at supes_mv_awards.

The 2009 SMFA post has full nomination rules and nomination categories, but!!

The basics boil down to this:

*Fic posted between June of 2008 and June of 2009 is eligible (yes, there is a month of overlap).

*You can nom 2 fics per category.

*Fic that won last year can't be nommed in the same category it won in.

*Main focus of the fic MUST be Superman Movieverse (not L&C, Smallville, or Comics-verse), though crossovers with other 'verses are more than welcome.

*Threesome fic w/Lois is eligible for the 'Other Pairing Romance' category.

*You do not need to nom in every category.

*The nomination period ENDS on June 29th, at 11:59 PM EST!!

Final important notes: Noms can be made in a comment to the 2009 SMFA post, and movieverse slash-fic can be nommed in many other categories if you so desire!

Thanks so much for helping out with this, guys!! *hugs to all*

awards: smfa, announcement/pimping: awards, .announcement/pimping, misc: plea

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