Hey, all!
First, plot bunnies, free to a good home, or not (whichever):
1. "The Last Ten Days of Epsilon Eridani," (or 40 Eridani, whichever canon you prefer), a la "The Last Ten Days of Pompeii." Gods, the epicness!
2. Spock Prime realizes that due to the changes in the timeline, his younger counterpart might never find little Saavik and raise her, so he locates her, and steers new!Spock in her direction at just the right time. Uhura figures in as a mother figure for her. ^__^
Second, it's rather disconcerting and just a little bit distressing to realize you named an epic Clark/Bruce fic the same as a series of Star Trek novels. *facepalm* At least I didn't include the "The" in front of "Lost Years". Dammit, self. Way to be on top of things. No wonder I kept thinking my title sounded familiar!! :(
Third, I *really* need to re-read some Trek novels. And read a lot of the ones I never got around to the first time. :/ Gods, I'm more out of touch than I'd thought!
Fourth, the Star Trek XI Kink Meme at
st_xi_kink is just... WOW. O_O Here I thought SPN fandom had some kinky stuff, but this... I'm totally speechless. XD Of course, ST has always been my haven for canon het pairings, so my surprise makes sense. :p
Fifth, a question to you LJ-savvy folks out there. I want to switch out an icon for a new one. Is there any way to do that without the original going to default in past posts and comments? I'd heard there was, but I have no idea how to go about that, and I really want to replace my current Kirk & Spock icon. Thanks!