Guys. Guys. HOMFG, GUYS!!! XD This movie. I just. There are no words. It was made of such awesome, I wanted a cigarette when it was over. I want to have this movie's babies. I... GODDAMN, THIS MOVIE ROCKED MY F*CKING SOCKS OFF!!! XD I cried, I laughed, I SQUEEED, I'm sitting here grinning like a total loon!! XD *flails incoherently*
Yes, there were nitpicky moments, but I won't even bother with them, as my hubby has already given the full debriefing on his LJ (
nmdrkangl). There's some science stuff, and a few continuity errors, but hey, what Trek DOESN'T have continuity and science errors? I mean, really.
So. Yes. The awesome. I don't care how die-hard you are, YOU WILL LOVE THIS MOVIE!! O_O Spock and Uhura!! Kirk left out! XD McCoy being a curmudgeon! Sulu, Scotty, and Chekov being aweseomesauce and adorable to boot!! XD THE ENTERPRISE!!! *flails* Every line you want to be in the movie is there. Every nuance of character was there. And yes, the original theme, even if you have to wait till the end to get the whole thing. IT'S ALL IN THERE!
*breathes some more*
Now, if I can just come down from this high, maybe I can get some sleep! *flails*
ETA: Spoilers in comments, too!