There's a meme where you ask about people's interests. Comment on this post, and I'll pick seven of yours, and you explain them on a post you make. Then you post this on your journal and it becomes a never ending spiral... and good fun.
Here's what
htbthomas wanted to know about from my interests:
1 - Bast - The Egyptian cat goddess, patron of love/motherhood, inebriation, and music. ^_~ She is my personal goddess (along with Anubis - god of transformation, journeys, and death - as my personal god). As a Daughter of Bastet, I hold cats sacred. And I don't say that lightly. I have five cats, one of which is named Bast :D, and have been midwife to several kitten birthings. ^_^
2 - Ecology - As a Pagan and a Biology teacher, I hold the Earth and everything in it sacred as well. Taking care of the planet is our job, and in order to do that, we must understand how living things interact with each other and with the inanimate parts of the Earth: the ground, the water, the air, and even the Sun.
3 - Jason Todd - Hoo boy! I think my brain melted when I first saw that Jason Todd was alive and well in the DCU. Talk about hotness! O_O I love me some Clark Kent, yes, but where he's all goodness and light, Jason Todd is the darkness, all that could possibly go wrong. He's the antihero, vengeance, anger and self-destructiveness, and a lot of repressed hurt and longing, and all that just satisfies something in me very nicely. ^_~ He just screams SEX and ANGST at me, and is enjoying living in my brain and being slashed with everyone I can think of. :p
4 - Jim Butcher - Author of the "Dresden Files" novels, and obvious fanboy. :p I've been hooked on the series for years, and was excited when it got made into a television series for Sci-Fi. Too bad they destroyed his canon, and wound up canceling the show. Butcher also wrote a Spiderman novel, which was pretty good, if not fantastic.
5 - Richard White - Ah, the other man. ^_~ As Lois's fiance in SR, it's hard to like him at first, seeing as she's supposed to be *Clark's* woman, but he proves himself as a hero in his own right. He deserves so much more love than he gets. Slashing him with Clark is only a bonus. *snerk* ^_~
6 - Smallville - I've been watching Smallville religiously since it debuted, and despite their obvious mistreatment of Supes canon, it still draws me in. Never wanted to write fic for it, still don't, but goddammit, they've got to stop with all this Clana bs! O_o Time to move on to Clois!!!
7 - Wine - Hubby and I are definitely wine drinkers. We enjoy a good outing to wine tastings at local Va vineyards, and like finding new varieties and such. We've even made some of our own wine and meade, and hope to make more soonish. However, we're not the usual folks you'd think of as wine enthusiasts, yuppie middle class and all put together. We just like it, that's all. ^_^