Drabble: Rough Days | SPN | Sam-n-Dean | PG | 1/1

Jan 09, 2009 11:12

Title: Rough Days
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean, mentions of John and Sam, Sam-n-Dean maybe implied
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100 (+title)
Summary: Some days are worse than others.
Disclaimer: Kripke and WB own it all. Dammit.
A/N: Set in S3-ish. Written just because. :/

Rough Days

Some days, the grief was as fresh and raw as it had been the moment they'd found their father dead. It was as if someone had ripped a hole through Dean, reached in, and scrambled what was left of his guts. Dreaming of him was even worse, when Dean would wake to a new day only to find that John Winchester was still gone. Those mornings and rough days, it was all he could do keep it together. The thought that Sam might one day leave him... again... just as their father had done... well, Dean just couldn't take it.

* * * * *

.fic, pr: dean winchester/sam winchester, ch: sam winchester, ch: john winchester, ch: dean winchester, fic: drabble, fandom: supernatural

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