Title: Memories
Fandom: TOS/Next Gen (ignores Insurrection and Nemesis)
Characters/Pairing: Spock, Lwaxana Troi (unrequited Spock/Chapel implied)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 362
Summary: Spock remembers...
Disclaimer: Paramount owns it all. I own nothing but fangirl squee and collectibles.
Author's Notes: For Majel. May she rest in peace.
When he'd fulfilled his role as a unifier after many long, tedious years, Spock was pleased to travel back to Vulcan aboard the seventh ship to bear the name Enterprise. Though it was a long trip, it certainly wasn't a boring one, as he found himself traveling along with the energetic ambassador from Betazed, one Lwaxana Troi. Indeed, he was intrigued by the woman's incessant need for company and attention, even as Picard seemed to find her grating. Spock knew a lonesome soul when he saw one.
In her, he found a kindred spirit, of sorts. A unifier, in her own way. An intellectual, though she didn't readily let on to that fact. A student of human nature, such as it was.
And in her more quiet moments, such as when they shared discussion over a meal in Ten Forward, he saw even more. A reserved smile here and there. A hesitance to speak of her true feelings on certain matters. A soft gesture such as a pat on the back of his hand for no good reason. And it reminded him of someone he'd known many years ago, that had long since passed and left this existence.
When she found him staring at her one morning over coffee, one eyebrow raised as he studied her in silent contemplation, she gave him a quirky smile. "You're quiet this morning. Penny for your thoughts?"
"Hmm," he half-sighed, wrapping long fingers around his mug. "I was just remembering."
"Oh?" she raised an eyebrow at him in return.
"You remind me of someone I once knew."
Lwaxana looked at him for a moment, then said softly, "You loved her, didn't you?" At his faintly alarmed expression, she laughed lightly. "Oh, I didn't read your mind, dear. It's simply written all over your face."
Dropping his gaze, Spock sighed in earnest. "I did. Yes." It was quite possibly the first time he'd ever admitted that to anyone. "But she didn't know it. She couldn't, she was an officer under my command."
A warm hand covered his own. "She knew, Spock. I'm certain of it."
Looking back up at her, he saw the ghost of Christine Chapel gazing at him from Lwaxana Troi's eyes, and he smiled.
* * * * *