Meme Ganked From Greeneyelove

Sep 04, 2007 20:40

List the first five OTPs that come into your head, but preferably from different fandoms.

1. Clark/Lois
2. Clark/Bruce
3. Clark/Richard
4. Data/Tasha Yar - ST:TNG
5. Saavik(Robin Curtis)/David Marcus - ST III

(can you tell I'm a Clark/-- shipper? ^_~)

1. When did you first fall in love with ship number 1?

June 30th, 2006. I was in love with Clois by the time I left the theater the very first time I saw Superman Returns. ^_^

2. When did you fall in love with ship number 5?

Watching Star Trek III when I was a teenager. :D Their banter was *adorable*.

3.What is your favorite moment of ship number 3?

Hmmm.... No real canonical shippy moments between Clark and Richard, but when Clark finds Richard clinging to Lois and Jason in the pantry of the Gertrude and asks him if he's got them, then takes his hand... *drool* O_O

4. What will the ship be if you take the boy from ship 2 and the girl from ship 1 and mesh them? If one or both of the ships are slash, thenpick and choose.

Lois/Bruce... Hmm... I like this in an OT3 with Clark, doesn't seem to work otherwise. But it could be interesting! ^_~

5. Vise versa.

Vice versa just gives me #1 or #2! :p Or... Clark/Clark... O_O I bet I could make it work... ^_~

6. What's your favorite moment for ship 4?

Gods, it's been so long since I've seen any ST:TNG... I think my fave moment would have to be when Data was watching the holocube that she left for him when she died. *sniff* *sniff* :(

7.How long was there between the time you got into the fandom and the time you started shipping ship number 3?

Oooohh, it was around 6 months or so. I started reading some of trascendenza's Clark/Richard slash on, and I was hooked! O_O

8. When did you start shipping ship number 4?

Just about the moment I started watching Next Gen as a young teenager. I loved Data from the start, and he just had this great chemistry with Tasha.

9. Take three random people from three of the ships and create an OT3.

Clark/Bruce/Lois, Clark/Richard/Lois.... too easy. :p How about... Clark/Saavik/Data? ^_~ Hehehehe....

*tries to look innocent*

*fails* O_o

10. Rank your OTPs in order.

1 - Clark/Lois; 2 - Clark/Bruce; 3 - Saavik/David; 4 - Data/Tasha; 5 - Clark/Richard

Honorary ships that didn't quite make the five:

Jason/Roy (thanks to pervyficgirl), Jason/Dick, Tim/Kon, Dick/Roy, Beast Boy/Raven, Clark/Chloe, Riker/Troi, Spock/Chapel, Trip/T'Pol (gods, they had perfect chemistry!), the list just goes on!! :p

What, no good questions about ship #2? I'm disappointed, really. O_o

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