Time once again for a ficcish to-do list! Feel free to ignore my ramblings. :p
1 - Need to finish editing Chapter 5 of
Aftermath to send to beta by this afternoon. Edit Chapter 4 (now back from one of my betas) and post it this afternoon. And - again - keep up the pace!!! O_o If Aftermath gets enough votes in the
Finish-a-thon poll (in which it already looks to be the winner), then I'll need to get up to Chapter 40 edited and posted by the end of October. Yikes! Talk about motivation! O_O
2 - Put both my Dick/Jason and Jason/Donna fics on hold until the results come back from the Finish-a-thon. The poll ends on August 31st! Please go vote!
3 - Finish my fic for
Smokin' Crack Challenge. It's definitely a crack fic featuring Clark Kent (Legion of Superheroes)/Prince Zuko (Avatar)... Due August 31st. Oh, crap! O_O
4 - Get to work on a pimp post for Superman Returns for
smallfandomfest. Due at the end of October. Still have not started. O_o
5 - Start writing my two essays for
superhero_muses. My essay on writing Clark Kent is due October 15th, and my essay of use of POV is due November 5th. Yowsa!
6 - Get some ideas down for a fic for
2007 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge. I'm thinking of a gen fic with Clark taking Jason trick-or-treating, wearing costumes pertaining to a certain book series featuring a group of young wizards. ^_~ Hehehe... This one is also due by October 31!
7 - Come up with a few more recs for
recced_em. That community definitely needs more rec love!!
8 - Get down some ideas for the next "One Night" fic. Don't want to leave everyone hanging with the cliffhanger at the end of
One Night at Riverside Drive, after all! :p
9 - Start posting Aftermath to
superman_return to hopefully get some more readers and reviews. My poor Chapter 3 got squat! O_o *whimper*
10 - Move the first scene of Aftermath's Chapter 3 back to Chapter 2. Chapter 3 just wound up *way* too long. O_o
Guess I just wouldn't be happy without a full plate! :p Hehe...