A Fic Rec and TV Squee

Sep 23, 2008 10:15

Awww... merihn wrote me sexy Sam/Dean shmoop for oxoniensis's Fall Fandom Free For All! :D It's such a delicious little piece and deserves lots of love. ^_^

I've read most of the Heroes meta I've come across on my wonderful f-list, but just need to get a few notes down.

1 - Mohinder, you stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID man!! O_o First, you send Molly away (*kisses her M3 goodbye*), then you hook up with Maya (EEEWWWW!!! O_o Let it be known that I am now officially in the anti-Maya camp), then you inject yourself with that serum and turn into Mohinderfly. Bah! Not only have you destroyed the only pairing/family I really *loved* on the show, you violated the primary rule for scientists everywhere: never use yourself as a test subject! Have literature and classic cinema taught you *nothing*!? Stupid, arrogant, gorgeous man. Curse you.

2 - I'm not liking the new Nathan. It was a bad enough plot line for 4400. But at least we know that he really is off his rocker. Imaginary Linderman, kinda figured. Though the question remains, how did Nathan come back? Hubby and I are betting that he must have absorbed some things from Peter's blood, when he got it between S1 and S2 after getting burned to a crisp.

3 - Future Peter is a dummy, too. The longer he stays, the more he effs things up. Mama Petrelli is right on this one, I'm afraid. Go home, Peter!

4 - Sylar just might be a Petrelli!?! O_o Wow. Didn't see that coming, but it sure explains some things. And the Petrellicest shippers go wild! XD *crowd roars*

5 - Oh, Matt. So adorable, and SO stuck in the middle of Africa. O_O I almost kinda wish he *had* been talking to the turtle, and vice versa, but the new guy made up for it with his awesome snark. :p And won't Matt be hurt when he gets home and finds out that his daughter has been sent away and that Mohinder is cheating on him with that home wrecker... Tsk, tsk...

6 - Yeah, I *really* don't like Maya. When the heck did her English get so good? And why does Mohinder have to be all over her? Seriously, he had *way* more chemistry with Matt, and Maya's just rude, demanding, and stands way to close when she doesn't have any need to. O_o Notice I said Mohinder's being stupid, too - there's more than enough blame to go around.

7 - LOVE the new Niki. Hubby thinks they may have been triplets (Niki, Jessica, and the new chick). It would make sense, I think. The new power is *awesome*, and really, that skeezy reporter had it coming. O_o

8 - SPEEDSTER!!!! XD For one, the visual effects were great for her wake, and I love that she has an Impulse meets Selina vibe. ^_~ Very cool addition to the show.

9 - HIRO!! ^_^ Love that Kaito knew he'd open the safe anyway and recorded a little scolding. :p I just hope Hiro doesn't let his knowledge of the future ruin his friendship with Ando. Really, that *could* have been a shape-shifter, and Hiro had absolutely no context for what he saw...


In other TV squee, I am *loving* Barney in HIMYM so far this season! So conflicted. :p Love that Lily kept hitting him. Maybe a few more times might start to knock some sense into him.

Later, all! I'm off to edit some more Aftermath! :D

fandom: heroes, rec/review/squee: fic, rec/review/squee: tv, .discussion, updates: ficcish

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