Just a listy post of stuff I'm working on. Besides the usual. :p
1 - Have been steadily working on my essay on Kryptonian Weaknesses for
superhero_muses. It's long and pretty well organized, but it has no pics yet. That will be rectified before next week's due date. ^_~
2 - I started writing the evil SPN/SV plot bunny. I don't even *read* SPN kid fic, unless it's been recced or I know the author. I feel so out of my element, and yet, good about it. Weird.
3 - The muses are stirring for the next installment of Lost Years. I think I might actually be able to keep them around this time. ^_^
4 - So many LJ-based projects!! O_O I'm making progress with the Free For All. Haven't touched the Fandom Guide in a week, though. Ugh. But it's lurking around the back of my mind, so I'm not giving up or anything. Also, I need to do a major update on my Fic Index. So many fics... O_O
5 - I has seekrit projekts! XD
6 - I had a fleeting bunny for the various Autumn/Halloween challenges, but it's the same one from last year that I never wrote. I dunno if it'll ever come to anything. *shrug*
7 - I'm reading less pairings, and getting choosy with what fic I click on. That's progress with shucking the load, I think! :p I'm not even really reading J2 anymore. O_O *is shocked at self*
Guess that's it for now. I have lots of TV stuff to talk about and politically-minded stuff to say, but I'll save that for another post. Night, all!! :)