Weird dreams.

May 26, 2006 22:13

1. I am taking a summer class, and for some reason, it is populated with lots of people I went to school with. Before class starts, I decide I need to go buy some pop, so I go to Little Dukes (which is actually nowhere NEAR campus.) Working there are an old couple who apparently own the place, and James Lafferty, who is stocking beverages. "Hey!" I say to him, "You're that guy!" And then I proceed to call him Nate.

2. I am going shopping at Cub Foods. As I'm getting my shopping cart, I notice James Blunt, who then starts flirting with me. We walk for a while before I decide to tell him that I think his song fucking sucks, and I wish it would go away forever.

Apparently, my subconscious likes to mix (kind of) famous people and food stores.
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