It's IMPOSSIBLE to win a conversation with Ros. Yes, WIN. Because everything is obviously a competition.
Angie: Did you get VM on DVD?
Ros: Um.
Ros: If you EVER need to know what I have or do not have, you could just check my exciting website.
Ros: Jeez.
Angie: Oh, SORRY.
Angie: link?
Ros: Do you update it every time you get something new?
Ros: within an hour or two of getting home with any new loot, yes.
Angie: You DO have it.
Angie: Dork.
Ros: hee hee hee
Angie: This is JUST to annoy me, isn't it?
Ros: How can I put this? Um... yes.
Angie: Thought so.
Ros: I may watch it though.
Ros: I think that might actually annoy you more.
Angie: It might just.
Angie: Wait, you have Lost??
Angie You should watch THAT.
Ros: I have Lost?
Angie: ...
Ros: My list does not lie, but I do not know when I got... oh, wait, I got that when I got Desperate Housewives. I think.
Angie: Why?
Ros: It was a set.
Angie: ...ooookay.
Ros: you know, where you get one and you get another at special price? 2-for-1 sort of thing?
Ros: Or maybe that was something else.
Ros: Lost may have just been NEXT to Desperate Housewives.
Ros: Or maybe they were just both in the TV section. I dunno.
Angie: It's possible. They're both ABC hits.
Ros: Maybe I am LYING just to BOTHER you.