Title: Avengers 38 (aka The Avengers Armada)
saathi1013Spoilers: all current Avengers movies (primarily: Avengers, Captain America: The First Avenger, both Iron Man movies, Thor)
Summary: 38 individual drabbles for 38 separate pairings from the movie (see notes).
Pairing: All of them. Well, most (see summary, notes). Includes het, slash, femmeslash, OT3s, and one team!fic.
Rating: varies (see summary, notes). Peaks at around R.
Warnings: one drabble has implied (non-explicit) bloodplay; it's clearly marked so you can skip past it.
Word Count: 3,800.
A/N: I walked out of the theater going “SHIP ALL THE THINGS” and in my madness, decided to do drabbles for damn near every possible ship in the movie. Then I did the math, narrowing it down to thirty-eight (hence the title). There are some character/pairing omissions (no Loki, alas), and for that I apologize, but the total got somewhat appalling if I expanded past the Avengers 6, plus Fury, Coulson, Maria, & (occasionally) Pepper.Reposting in the order the numbers were chosen. Much love to all who played along.
Fake cut to the post at AO3 ]*
* I think I will be using this format more often, so I do not have to worry about cross-post formatting, cuts, and whatever else. One place for fic (AO3), and multiple places (tumblr, lj, dw) that people can watch for updates (or not) or comment (or not) wherever it suits them. Fair?
This entry was originally posted
at my Dreamwidth; if you wish to comment, you may do so either here on LJ or on DW, whichever is most convenient for you.