(no subject)

Jun 16, 2005 12:12

Dear Sir,

I write to solicit your assistance for a transaction of mutual benefit; believing that you will treat this with utmost confidence. I implore you to excuse me of any embarrassment this letter might cause you, as we have not met before.

I am Mr. Saash, son of the late Mr. Tiphareth. It happens that yesterday, the journal of my father who was the most popular fascist in LJ was assasinated by the Abuse Team. It was undeleted for 24 hours before it was finally suspended. While I was with him during this time, he disclosed a secret to me which am about to share with you.

Before the journal of my father finally died, he told me that he has USD 16,000,000.00 (Sixteen Million United States Dollars) in a Swiss bank. The bank account number is encrypted in one of fascist communities. He said the community moderator is not aware of it's contents, but I have to pay the membership fee to be able to read this comminity.

It is in view of this, that l have decided to contact you for assistance with the following conditions:

1. That this transaction is treated with Utmost confidence, cooperation and absolute secrecy which it demands.
2. That the money would be transferred to an account where the incidence of taxation would not take much toll.
3. You would assist in paying the membership fee.
4. You would have 20% of the funds for your assistance.

Please contact me at once if you can be of assistance. I am at the moment Ivory Coast, you can call me on 225 05 894 529. To enable you get through when calling, make sure you do not exclude any digit from the numbers. (225 is the country code), (05 is the area code, dial the 05 exactly the way it is, do not exclude the zero).

For confidentiality sake, please do not send me email, the email address is not a private one. Give me a call and we would arrange a better communication.

Yours sincerely .

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