Year 1982

Sep 04, 2016 11:47

nwhyte on LiveJournal gave me this year. I should start by mentioning that 1982 was probably the single most eventful year of my life.

My age then: 39
My age now: 73

Relationship status then - still (just about) married to Tom since 1995. At the end of 1981, Tom and I had agreed to divorce and I had moved out of our apartment in Greenwich Village.
Relationship status now - single/divorced/whatever since the end of 1982

Occupation then - Unemployed and seemingly unemployable. Truth is, I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life, other than get out of America and live in Greece.
Occupation now - semi-retired English teacher and rural community development activist (Don’t ask! That string of words covers a multitude of sins, projects and activities)

At the start of 1982, I was living in a brownstone on Cherry Street in Brooklyn Heights which I bought as part of the impending divorce settlement. By the end I was renting a house with a garden on the edge of Chania, Crete, Greece

Now, I and my aging bad-tempered cat, Neri, have lived in a Soviet era-built apartment on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia for more than 12 years. In fact, next June I will have lived in Estonia for 20 years. How the F! did that happen?

Was I happy then? I was far too busy to consider the question of happiness. The challenges and mistakes of learning to live in a totally foreign environment kept me hopping for several years and through several changes of country.

Am I happy now? Content comes closer. I don’t like the restrictions that encroaching age and health problems are imposing on my ability to do many of the things I used to take for granted. I still ride my bike every day though.

Kids then? Just the one. Catie was all the child I ever wanted
Kids now? Still 1, but she has given me 2 (usually* Her word, not mine) wonderful grandsons.

If you ask, I will give you a year.

life: autobiography

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