I keep meaning to update/reply but I must admit to myself I have no time...because I play too much poupeegirl *ahem* am moving and starting an internship (co-op)!
I've moved my cards page to my domain!
Here! Moved again~
tcg@see-why.net XD
Trade Log
February, 2009
TRADES: aibadream01 vanilla14 for hydreturns09 strawberry09 with Coolioshmo (actually occurred on Jan 19)
GUESS SONG: nino, pv, pvtruth03, umanto10
January, 2009
TRADES: ytm01, ytm07 for gossip04, pvhappiness03 with Crystalove
TRADES: Arashi'08 01, 03, 05 for gossip02, gossip07, hydreturns10 with Sakurairuy
GUESS SONG: PV, PV, autumn07, pbtimeblue01 LYRICS MASTER: MAG, ohnocut04, himitsu05 MEMORY: PV, DRAMA, pbsengoku09, junviva09 MYSTERY CARD: OHNO, clarity04, ninorush03 PUZZLE: PB, !, borderline05, hyd02
MASTERY: aibamarksmaster, freelephoto
COVER CONFUSION: JUN, pvdouble06, cloudy07
TOKENS TRADE-IN: AIBA: 45, SOLO: 30, ARASHI: 1 for aibamarks01, aibamarks02, aibamarks03, aibamarks04, aibamarks05, aibamarks06, aibamarks09, aibamarks10, cdsakura06, dvddome01, cloudy06, kotoba01, omocha07, junviva03, ninoletters03, ohno0802, shojet05, ninotime03, ohnojet10
LUCKY MEMBER: maou03, more10, urban03
TRADES: junmarks09 for hydreturns02 with Tomoyodesu
COVER: DRAMA, hydreturns03, redcarpet06 LYRICS: CD, ohnostar06 MEMORY: DRAMA, CD, summertime02, storm03 MYSTERY CARD: SHO, nino0807, musicdays09 PUZZLE: DRAMA, SOLO, junmarks09, merry02, SLOTS: DRAMA, DRAMA, cloudy06, cdhappiness08
DOUBLES TRADE-IN: apricot17, cd5x502, cd5x504, cd5x505, cdaozora02, cool06, flowers05, jundream09, illusions07, kotoba05, listen04, listen08, namida03, pvgalaxy05, pvgalaxy09 for lemon19, afternoon03, aibamarks07, borderline09, cdhappiness07, chouchou08, cloudy07, daylight06, eros09, gossip05, hyd09, pbbakumatsu05, storm05, risk10, ytm01
WEEKLY FREEBIE: arashijet08
NEW DECKS: aibamarks08
HOLIDAY GIVE AWAY: cuddle06, classic07, photoaiba_2008, photoarashi_2008b, cd_kazenomukoue, dvd_hig and aibajet04
December, 2008
TRADES: cherry06 for strawberry11 with Ruri teatime01 for simplicity01 with Jennifer
JE Movie Night: hitotsu04 ninoneon03 apricot07
New Decks: omocha06
Weekly Freebie: simplicity03
Cover Confusion: PB, junflex08, omocha07 LYRICS MASTER: DRAMA, renai02 MEMORY: SHO, OHNO, ohnoasia09, introduction04 PUZZLE: PV, OHNO, risk08, hitotsu09 SLOTS: SOLO, OHNO, pvhappiness02, pvgalaxy05
*everything after this line is actually from a while ago -> haven't had time to update*
Jack-o-lantern Turn-in: MAG, OHNO, hitotsu06, mint20
Sho's Minority:
13 tokens: aiba x 5, mag x 3, jun x 1, pb x 1, cd x 3
10 normal cards: pbtinesilver10, cool06, junasia03, oasis02, aibaasia09, pvhappiness02, teatime01, borderline09, cdwcmi08, auads05
3 special cards: cherry03, apricot17, liquorice09
Weekly Freebie: gossip06
November, 2008
TRADES: sweets06 & strawberry17 for refresh10 & Lemon13 with Ricecakee (+shyguys) redcarpet08 for simplicity07 with Crystalove (+shyguy)
Ohno bday: refresh04
Weekly freebie: shhh02
Ohno pic search: lemon18
COVER CONFUSION: SHO, cdichigou01, cloudy09 GUESS SONG: NINO, MAG, simplicity10, pbtimeblue03 LYRICS MASTER: NINO, naturally03, siesta08 MYSTERY CARD: OHNO, borderline01, pvonelove04 SLOTS: PB, solo, pbtimeblue06, pvdouble08
TRADES: ytm04 for risk09 with Jennifer (+shyguys) ymt01, mint15 for refresh07 strawberry20 with Ruri (+shyguys)
LUCKY MEMBER: aibajet02
NINO PHOTO BINGO: aibadream01
DISAPPEARING TILES: evolution04, special03
NINO ARRANGEMENT: vanilla14, arashijet01, cd5x504, shoasia05
WEEKLY FREEBIE: simplicity04
NEW DECKS: striptease06 & gossip03
COVER CONFUSION: MAG, arashijet04, ytm01 GUESS SONG: MAG, PB, spotlight01, borderline04 LYRICS MASTER: JUN, ninorush07 MYSTERY CARD: SHO, cddream07 MEMORY: PB, CD, redcarpet02, gravitate04 SLOTS: AIBA, MAG, cdaozora02, ninorush10 PUZZLE: SOLO, AIBA, musicdays04, goal06
Aiba Dragon: Arashi Token
Weekly Freebie: aibajet01
October 2008
TRADES: pvtruth04 for risk01 with Ricecakee (+jack-o-lanterns)
COVER CONFUSION: MAG, umanto06, ohnocut05 GUESS SONG: PB, MAG, celebration01, hyd08 LYRICS MASTER: DRAMA, reflex10 MEMORY: DRAMA, PV, character01, ytm07 MEMORY: SOLO, juntime06 PHOTO PUZZLE: PB, !, simplicity08, cdwcmi10 SLOTS: MAG, MAG, clarity07, gravitate10
LEVEL UP: photoarashi_020, cdhig08, cool06
MASTERY: photomatsumoto, glistenmaster
SHO'S MINORITY VOTE: solo x 2, sho x 2, ! x 2, pv x 1, cd x 2, pb x 1, listen08, ninotime03, ohno0801, pbrebel08, jun0806, together07, aqua04, lively02, strawberry17, mint03, cherry06
WEEKLY FREE: renai07
TRADES: autumn06 for risk08 with Tomoyodesu (+jack-o-lanterns)
NEW DECKS: autumn06
WEEKLY FREE: chouchou08
GUESS COVER: DRAMA, sweets06, spring02 LYRICS MASTER: PV, renai03, pvkaze02 MEMORY: DRAMA, JUN, introduction09, pvtomadoi10 MYSTERY CARD: SHO, ready01, pbtimesilver10 PUZZLE: SOLO, DRAMA, pvkokoroiki05, umanto10 SLOTS: AIBA, NINO, cd5x505, pbrushdark03
TRADES: ninojet02 for hydreturns01 with Crystalove pvtruth03 for risk07 with Jennifer pvkokoroiki03 for aibajet03 with Ping + (jack-o'-lantern)
LUCKY MEMBER: glisten10
MASTERY: aibaasiamaster, photoarashi_003
September 2008
TRADES: ninojet10 for risk05 with Crystalove
NINO ARRANGEMENT: cherry19, kotoba05, pvkokoroiki03, pvstep04
NINO PHOTO BINGO: pvtomadoi06, pbtimesilver02
NEW DECKS: aibaaov
COVER CONFUSION: MAG, ohnodream05, pbtimeblue10 GUESS SONG: !, CD, pvdouble08, balance06 LYRICS: SOLO, junjet07 MEMORY: PB, SHO, cdgalaxy09, pvtruth03 MYSTERY CARD: SOLO, ytm04 PUZZLE: AIBA, PB, ninojet02, pbtimesilver07 SLOTS: CD, PV, pvtruth04, balance02
GUESS SONG: SHO, NINO, juntime08, oasis03
TRADES: classic03, ninojet05 for glisten03, risk04 with Crystalove, pbarashic07, cdwcmi05 for sweets04, classic01 with Ping vanila06 for strawberry04 with Jennifer
COVER CONFUSION: PV, umanto05, ninojet10 LYRICS MASTER: AIBA, shhh06 MEMORY: !, AIBA, ninorush10, cdonelove06 PUZZLE: !, CD, spring01, pvsweet05 SLOTS: MAG, SOLO, cd5x502, together06
August 2008
MASTERIES: livelymaster, seductivemaster, photomatsumoto_009, photomatsumoto_010
Aiba Experiment: cdaozora05, evolution01, vanilla06
TRADES: bubblegum13, pvtruth08 for strawberry06 aibaasia08 with Angeline
TRADES: cherry15 for lemon11 with Mi-chan (+ice cream)
GUESS THE SONG: PV, MAG, evolution06, borderline06 COVER CONFUSION: OHNO, ohnocut09, jun0802 LYRICS MASTER: AIBA, cool03 MYSTERY CARD: DRAMA, ninojet05 MEMORY: PB, DRAMA, pvhappiness04, pvtruth08 PUZZLE: PB, DRAMA, aqua07, lively06 SLOTS: SHO, SOLO, intouch04, flowers05
Totoro Turn-in: AIBA, PV, grape13, plum04
OHNO PUZZLE: AIBA, JUN, NINO, apricot17, CD, cool06, freedom09, ohnodream04, PB, photomatsumoto_007, pvgalaxy09, seductive03
TRADES: ninoneon08 for lively04 with Itachi (+ice cream)
UPDATE: arashitoken, aibajet09, hydreturns08 and cd_kansha
LYRICS MASTER: PB, shorush09
GUESS THE SONG: MAG, SHO, classic06, profile06
TRADES: ready01 for lively03 with Betty (+ice cream) daylight10 for aibaasia03 with Jennifer (+ice cream) pvonelove01, simplicity03 for sweets07, lively05 with Sakurairuy (+ice cream)
TRADES: classic01 for seductive09 with Angeline (+ice cream)
LUCKY MEMBER: lemon10 MEMORY: !, JUN, glisten07, gravitate06 PUZZLE: NINO, JUN, daylight10, risk10 SCENE SCRAMBLE: CD, ninoneon08, jundream08 SLOTS: JUN, NINO, namida03, pvkokoroiki08
NEW DECKS: simplicity03
TRADES: auads08, mint12 for refresh05, strawberry18 with Crystalove (+ice cream)
COVER CONFUSION: PV, maou06, urban02 LYRICS MASTER: MAG, cdwcmi05
MASTERY: bestmaster, specialmaster, photomatsumoto_005, photomatsumoto_008
DOUBLES EXCHANGE: aiba0804, alive02, balance10, cd5x508, cdsakura05, crosstalk09, crosstalk10, freedom03, jundream09, more06, ninocut03, ninoletters06, seductive03, photomatsumoto_002, photomatsumoto_012 for photoohno_004, photosakurai_005, cdherewego06, glisten09, illusions07, merry03, jundream04, naturally09, nino0801, pbtimeblue02, pvhero04, risk02, ohnorush05, prelude02 & pvonelove01
LUCKY MEMBER: listen04, pvkokoroiki07, classic03
TRADES: daylight06 for lively07 with Jenshinnn cdherewego!08 for fortywinks07 with Weasley (+totoro) aibaasia02 for your sengokupu08 (+totoro) with Helloova
July 2008
MASTERY: alivemaster, photomatsumoto_004
COVER CONFUSION: MAG, winterstorm05, ohno0810 GUESS THE SONG: CD, CD, kotoba04, pvstep02 LYRICS MASTER: PV, pbtimeblue02 MEMORY: JUN, PB, best02, oasis04 MYSTERY CARD: ninodream02 PUZZLE: NINO, SHO, daylight06, cddream05 SLOTS: OHNO, SOLO, aiba0804, seductive03 SCENE SCRAMBLE: NINO, cdonelove01, ninocut02
NEW DECKS:classic01
TRACEY BDAY: lemon17
TRADES: liquorice08 for lemon16 with Tomoyodesu junflex05 for aibaasia06 with Maia (+totoro)
AIBA EXPERIMENT: junflex02, juntime07, plum14
TRADES: cdhappiness08, gravitate10, vanilla19 for best01, best10, strawberry08 with Ricecakee cdonelove06 and pvhappiness02 for aibaasia01 and aibaasia04 with Kimitsu unity05 & unity09 for special02 & glisten05 with Kanari (+totoro) arena06 for ninorush04 with Itachi auads07 for lively09 with Yuutan (+totoro)
LUCKY MEMBER: SOLO, aibatoken, shotoken, CD, !
MASTERY: cherishmaster, photoninomiya_013
JUNE CUPCAKES: ninotoken, ohnotoken, cdsakura05, pbrushdark06
TRADES: profile07 , gravitate01, profile04 for lively10, sweets06, sweets09 with Jennifer cdwcmi01 for alive04 with Jenshinnn (+totoro) cdhappiness06 for glisten06 with Arimi cddream05 for best03 with Crystalove (+totoro)
Doubles Exchange: cdsunrise09, chat01, diary02, himitsu02, listen08, listen09, naturally09, ninocut08, oneself07, special04, together05, lemon09, lemon14, photoaiba_013, photoaiba_015 for photomatsumoto_012, photoarashi_005, liquorice08, vanilla19, alive02, cdonelove06, crosstalk09, freedom03, gravitate10, ninocut03, more06, profile07, urban08, pbsengoku08, ninoletters06
SHO LE PHOTO HUNT: cherry15, ninotime08, pvhappiness02
TOKEN REPLACEMENT: set of 5 + replaced
TRADES: shhh01 for glisten02 with Kimitsu (+totoro)
COVER CONFUSION: solo, junflex05, ohnodream10 GUESS INTRO: ninotoken, MAG, ohno0802, shodream07 LYRICS MASTER: aibatoken, crosstalk10 MEMORY: !, PB, shoasia07, cdonelove07 MYSTERY CARD: !, ninoletters05 PUZZLE: SOLO, CD, aibaasia05, pvtomadoi08 SCENE SCRAMBLE: PV, cdichigou07, auads07 SCENE SCRAMBLE: CD, juntoken, cd5x508, balance10
TRADES: pbtensei06 for best08 with Itachi (+totoro)
MASTERIES: aibadreammaster5, contrastmaster4, photomatsumoto_002, photomatsumoto_003, pvheromaster, photomatsumoto_002
TRADES: ninodream04 for cherish03 with Mi-chan (+totoro) pvhappiness 09 & 10 for seductive07 and special05 with Pocco (+totoro)
GUESS INTRO: J, PB, shorush01, shoasia10 LYRICS MASTER: PB, ninoletters06 MEMORY: CD, CD, jundream09, auads08 MYSTERY CARD: aibaasia07, B PHOTO PUZZLE: J, !, gravitate01, cddream05 SLOTS: B, A, namida07, lively08 SCENE: J, cdhappiness08, introduction06
WEEKLY FREEBIE: seductive06
NEW DECKS: shhh01
5x5TCG EVENT #001: arashitoken, arashitoken, cd_dreamalive, cd_wecanmakeit, aibadream04, contrast02, contrast05, lemon01, lemon08
OHNO JANKEN: nino0801, oasis01
OHNO PUZZLE: PB, !, O, S, S, junflex02, mint15, ninoasia01, ninocut08, pbarashic07, profile04, photoaiba_013
TRADES: rushcolor08 for aibadream02 with Angeline (+totoro)
LUCKY MEMBER: cherish10
TRADES: cdhappiness02 and 08 for aibadream05 and pvhappiness09 with Emily (+totoro)nNinoletters01 for glisten01 with Arimi (+totoros) together04 and 02 for special08 and sweets02 with Tomoyodesu (+totoro)
TRADES: pvhappiness03 for pvhero02 with Ricecakee (+totoros) gravitate08 for aibadream10 with Betty (+totoros) pbrushdark09 for aibadream01 with Whitetooth (+totoros) shodream03 for pvhero07 with Dee (+totoros) auads09 and cdhig10 for pvhero04 and aibadream03 with Jennifer (+totoros) namida04 for special09 with Ruri (+totoros)
LEVEL UP: photomatsumoto_001, cdwish04, pbtimesilver05
NEW DECKS: gravitate08
MASTERY: diarymaster, photomatsumoto_007
NINO GAME: listen09, mint12, naturally09
NINO ARRANGEMENT: celebration10, special04, strawberry17, unity05
NINO BINGO: bubblegum11, ninodream07, sho0807
TRADES: urban02, urban06 & urban07 for sweets03, pvhappiness05 & lively02 with Rhee shorush09 for aibadream08 with Angeline (+cupcakes)
LYRICS MASTER: MAG, best04 MEMORY: !, J, jundream09, cdhig10 PUZZLE: B, !, ninoletters01, aibadream08 SLOTS: H, O, stepout06, pvhero08
GUESS INTRO: CD, U, glisten04, pbrushcolor08 COVER CONFUSION: O, prelude05, arashi0803 LYRICS MASTER: S, ninocut08 MYSTERY CARD: O, reality09 SLOTS: A, N, ohnoasia01, refresh03 MEMORY: CD, !, diary02, shodream03 PUZZLE: B, J, glisten08, namida04 SCENE: PV, clarity10, celebration03
NEW DECKS: strawberry10
June 2008
LYRICS MASTER: CD, aibadream06 MEMORY: jundream07, refresh01, H, H MYSTERY CARD: j, cdwcmi01 PUZZLE: J, B, aibadream09, refresh08 SLOTS: N, !, pvtomadoi07, ninodream04 SCENE: A, freshen05, seductive02
UPDATES: arashitoken
Cover Confusion: shorush08, cdgalaxy08, MAG
TRADES: ninorush08 for cherish05 with Ping (+cupcake) auads05 for sweets10 with Ruri
Masteries: freedommaster, himitsumaster, photoaiba_017, photoninomiya_006
Aiba Experiment: cdsunrise09, oasis09, bubblegum13
TRADES: oasis08 & oasis09 for auads09 & seductive01 with Arimi (+cupcakes) pvhappiness04 & senses10 for special07 & special10 with Fyezuhairnee (+cupcakes) ohnodream08 for alive07 with Jenshinnn (+cupcakes)
NEW DECKS: lively06
WEEKLY FREEBIE: cdherewego05
MASTERY: moremaster, photoaiba_016
Aiba Scramble: oneself01, listen08, best09, mint06
TRADES: aqua02 for diary07 with Mi-chan (+cupcakes) aibadream06 for freedom08 with Sandy (+cupcakes)
COVER CONFUSION: SOLO, cdhappiness08, jundream01 GUESS INTRO: CD, PB, seductive08, ninocut03 LYRICS MASTER: J, ninorush08 MYSTERY CARD: N, statement05 SLOTS: CD, H, stepout08, pvstep10 SCENE SCRAMBLE: J, cdaozora02, auads05 MEMORY: N, CD, apex05, pbrushdark09 PUZZLE: PV, !, ohnodream08, jun0810
Lucky Member: himitsu03
Sho Photo Hunt: chat01, lemon09, !, A, O, urban06
TRADES: apricot08 for lemon09 with Sam (+cupcakes) nino0804 & jun0803 for pvhappiness10 & special04 with Crystalove pvtomadoi03 for special03 with Jennifer
TRADES: cddream02 & cddream06 for more03 & more10 with Rhee (+cupcakes)
LE Coupon Trade In: photoaiba021
TRADES: pbtensei01 for diary05 with Betty (+cupcakes)
MAY SAKURA: bubblegum02, lemon14
COVER CONFUSION: PV, oasis07, pbtensei06 GUESS INTRO: A, SOLO, oasis08, jun0803 LYRICS MASTER: !, aibadream06 MEMORY: CD, O, cherish01, himitsu02 MYSTERY CARD: U, about08 SCENE SCRAMBLE: J, cdhappiness06, best05 SLOTS: N, U, namida10, naturally05 PUZZLE: H, S, shorush09, pvhappiness04
NEW DECKS: aibadream07
TRADES: ohnorush04 for together08 with Jennifer (+cupcakes) ninorush01 and pvsweet02 for pvhero03 and cherish09 with Kimitsu (+cupcakes) pbtensei03 for cdhappiness02 with Pocco (+cupcakes) celebration02 and colorful01 for cddream06 and siesta10 Crystalove (+cupcakes)
MASTERIES: oneselfmaster, photoaiba_015
TRADES: pvhappiness10 for more08 with Ruri (+cupcakes) ohno0806 for himitsu02 with Lori (+cupcake)
NEW DECKS: sweets01
COVER CONFUSION: !, ninorush01, pbtimesilver09 LYRICS MASTER: H, sho0808 MYSTERY CARD: U, dvdstep01 MEMORY: H, MAG, skyhigh09, pbtimesilver06 PUZZLE: U, I, arena06, seductive03 PUZZLE: U, I, arena06, seductive03 SLOTS: !, !, pvsweet04, cdhappiness10 SCENE SCRAMBLE: I, pvhero06, pvhero06
LUCKY MEMBER: oneself07
Doubles Trade In: aiba0805, alive09, alive09, balance10, balance10, cdsakura03, cdsakura03, cdsunrise09, crosstalk10, diary03, illusions07, juntime02, make06, oseven03, pvdaijoubu07, pvdaijoubu09, pvhero09, siesta04, switch08, photoaiba_002 and photoaiba_012 for about01, apex04, aqua05, artistic02, cdherewego08, colorful01, feature05, himitsu08, naturally09, nino0804, ohnorush04, pbtensei01, pvdouble07, pvhappiness03, seductive10, stepout10, together05, cdichigou04, diary02, photoarashi_007
and photosakurai_013
Trades: bubblegum15 for lemon04 with Tomoyodesu (+cupcakes)
Mastery: chatmaster, photoaiba_018
Nino Photo Bingo: SOLO, pvhappiness10
Trades: spring08 for himitsu04 with Arimi (+sakura)
May 2008
SCENE SCRAMBLE: A, cddream02, skyhigh01
Lucky Member: contrast03
TRADES: plum14 for lemon03 with Mi-chan (+sakura) spring01 & spring09 for more05 & freedom04 with Mere (+sakura) cdaozora10 for freedom05 with Yuubi
COVER CONFUSION: S, spring06, urban02 LYRICS MASTER: O, aqua02 MEMORY: J, PB, ninotime01, arena08 MYSTERY CARD: S, artistic03 PUZZLE: PV, U, arashi0805, make05 SLOTS: U, J, spring09, cdsakura03
TRADES: pvdouble03 and pvgalaxy03 for alive10 and freedom02 with Crystalove junchanges08 & pvhappiness04 for alive08 & himitsu01 with Jennifer junasia08 for alive05 with Ruri
Nino Game: N, !, freedom07, cdsakura03, bubblegum05
MASTERIES: pvdaijoubumaster, pvsweetmaster1, photoaiba_015, freelephoto
TRADES: pvhappiness06 for chat09 with Sakurairuy
TRADES: ohnorush06 & urban08 for oneself02 & himitsu05 with Helloova (+sakura)
TRADES: bubblegum18 for lemon15 with Jenshinnn (+sakura) pbarashic04 for cherish06 with Ping (+sakura) pbtimeblue01 for more06 with Ruri (+sakura) for artistic02 for more09 with Ricecakee (+sakura) clarity03 for alive03 with Sandy (+sakura) ohnorush05 for himitsu07 with Jennifer
TOKENS TRADE IN: (JUN!, JUN!, JUN!, OH!O, OH!O, OH!O, JUN!, JUN!, JU!!, SHO!, SHO!, SHO!, NINO, NINO, NINO, PV x 10, PV x 8 + !!, ARASHI) for pvsweet01, pvsweet02, pvsweet03, pvsweet04, pvsweet05, pvsweet07, pvsweet08, pvsweet10, pvhappiness06, illusions07, junchanges08, artistic02, cdherewego02, alive09, ohnorush05, siesta03, switch08, pbarashic05, balance10, pvhappiness04, pvdaijoubu07, pvgalaxy03, pvdouble03
TRADES: pvdouble04 for more02 with Rhee (+sakura) pvdouble02 for pvdaijoubu04 with Katoshi (+sakura)
April Rainbows: lemon02, freelephoto
Badge Donation: CD, MAG, B, J, O, alive06, cdgalaxy10, ohnorush06, pbtensei03, urban08, photoaiba_012
MASTERIES: cdsakuramaster, lettersmaster, photoaiba_013, photoaiba_014
TRADES: pbrushcolor10 and pbrushdark04 for himitsu09, himitsu10 with Jennifer redcarpet01 for pvdaijoubu02 with Betty (+sakura)
AIBA COSTUME: !, !, B, pvdaijoubu09, kotoba05, bubblegum18, photoaiba_002
AIBA EXPERIMENT: !, SOLO, PB, alive09, winterstorm09, plum14
COVER CONFUSION: B, redcarpet08, diary09 LYRICS MASTER: CD, pbarashic04 MEMORY: N, CD, shorush02, urban07 MYSTERY CARD: A, junviva10 PUZZLE: J, O, senses10, freshen09 SLOTS: A, H, make10, pvsweet06 SCENE SCRAMBLE: H, pbrushdark04, cdaozora10
UPDATE: pvsweet09
TRADES: shorush02 for pbrushcolor10 with Crystalove (+sakura)
TRADES: jun0805 for pvdaijoubu09 with Emy_style (+sakura)
Aiba Scramble: A, O, SOLO, pvdouble04, pvhero09, bubblegum15
TRADES: nino0805 for pvdaijoubu07 with Andante (+sakura)
LUCKY MEMBER: solotoken, S, !, N, MAG
TRADES: junviva03 for diary06 with Fyezuhairnee (+sakura) sho0805 for chat07 with Angeline (+sakura)
NEW DECKS: himitsu06
TRADES: best04 for letters09 with Yuubi (+sakura) unity10 for oneself05 with Jennifer (+sakura) cdwish02 for letters10 with Erica (+sakura) seductive09 for cherish02 with Sakurairuy (+sakura) aqua06 for cdsakura07 with Rachspring (+sakura) urban10 for chat01 with Kimitsu (+sakura) sho0805 for with Angeline (+sakura) colorful03 for pvdaijoubu03 with Jasmine (+sakura)
COVER CONFUSION: O, together05, cdgalaxy04 LYRICS MASTER: CD, special01 MEMORY: PV, SOLO, stepout04, jun0805 MYSTERY CARD: PV, oasis02 SLOTS: I, I, urban10, aiba0805 GUESS INTRO: B, SOLO, sho0805, cdwish02 PUZZLE: PV, PV, aqua08, seductive05 SCENE SCRAMBLE: !, aqua06, redcarpet01
SHO LE PHOTO HUNT: A, B, O, diary03, make06, apricot08
TRADES: aibaasia10 for letters02 with Sam (+sakura)
MASTERED BALANCE: photosakurai_003
TRADES: grape03 for lemon12 with Rhee
TRADES: senses08 for contrast06 with Helloova statement05 and statement06 for chat10 and letters01 with Tomoyodesu
LEVEL UP: photomatsumoto_012, freedom09, unity10
TRADES: cherry20 for lemon06 with Yuutan cdichigou10, cdsunrise01 pbtensei04 for letters03, cdsakura06 and letters08 with Baystorm senses01, senses06, spotted09 for balance04, balance08, balance09 with Mi-chan
MASTERIES: pvgalaxymaster, photoaiba_008, osevenmaster, photomatsumoto_006, cd5x5master, photosakurai_008, illusionsmaster, photoninomiya_012
TRADES: naturally08 for cdsakura10 with Jenshinnn pbtimeblue05 for chat04 with Jennifer cddream06 for senses01 with Sakurairuy shoasia08 for pvdaijoubu01 with Crystalove
SCENE SCRAMBLE: S, pvhero09, ninotime04
GUESS INTRO: O, CD, chat06, juntime02 COVER CONFUSION: SOLO, pbtensei04, clarity03 LYRICS MATER: MAG, spotted09 MEMORY: N, SOLO, senses08, junviva07 MYSTERY CARD: A, cddream06 PUZZLE: PV, PV, pvdaijoubu10, cdsakura03 SLOTS: J, J, siesta05, spring08
OHNO FOOD BATTLE: !, PB, O, cdsunrise01, pvdaijoubu05, grape03
OHNO JANKEN: O, S, junviva03, oseven03
TRADES: fulfillment04 for cdsakura04 with Jennifer
SCENE SCRAMBLE: cd, spring01, balance07
TRADES: cherish10 for cd5x506 with Helloova
April 2008
TRADES: pvdaijoubu10 for contrast10 with Rhee (+rainbows) aqua01 for illusions09 with Sakurairuy (+rainbows)
Lucky member: siesta04, balance10, cdsunrise09
5x5 Member Questionnaire: Arashi token
COVER CONFUSION: O, arashi0801, aibaasia10 GUESS INTRO: J, !, more04, letters07 LYRICS MASTER: J, letters04 MEMORY: CD, MAG, pbtimeblue01, freedom03 MYSTERY CARD: B, prelude02 PUZZLE: N, PV, statement07, cdichigou10 SLOTS: O, O, crosstalk10, together02
TRADES: junviva03 for oseven02 with Uyuki (+rainbows) colorful08 for balance01 for with Jasmine (+rainbows) pvdaijoubu02 for oneself04 with Fyezuhairnee (+rainbows)
DOUBLES EXCHANGE: aiba0809, cdsakura01, crosstalk08, illusions10, listen01, listen05, listen05, more01, oseven09, photoaiba_001 for alive02, aqua01, cherish08, contrast07, diary04, letters05, oasis09, oneself10, colorful03, photoohno_007
TRADES: make04 for illusions08 (+rainbows) with Sam bubblegum06 for lemon14 with Erica
TRADES: freedom05 for balance02 with Ruri (+rainbows)
NINO GAME: !, U, colorful08, pbtimeblue05, bubblegum06
MASTERED CD Sunrise: photoaiba_002
MASTERED Aiba '08: photoaiba_003
TRADES: ninoasia06 for oneself01 with Helloova (+rainbows)
NINO ARRANGEMENT: PV, H, J, cherish07, pvdaijoubu10, seductive04, lemon07
TRADES: cdgalaxy01 for chat02 with Umeboshi (+rainbows) redcarpet10 for cd5x509 with Erica (+rainbows)
NINO PHOTO BINGO: SOLO, I, fulfillment10, ohnotime01
TRADES: cherry15 for lemon05 with Nanao (+rainbows) pbtensei04 for contrast01 with Vanessa clarity04 for oseven08 with Yuutan (+rainbows) arashi0808 for pvgalaxy08 with Jenshinnn (+rainbows) junasia07 for oseven05 with Jocey (+rainbows)
UPDATES: my member rainbow, contrast08
COVER CONFUSION: I, pvdouble02, best04 GUESS INTRO: PV, MAG, arashi0808, contrast09 LYRICS MASTER: A, contrast04 MEMORY: SOLO, !, story04, chat08 MYSTERY CARD: MAG, diary01 PUZZLE: J, MAG, arashi0809, juntime02 SCENE SCRAMBLE: PV, oasis04, ninoasia06 SLOTS: S, U, pbtensei04, nino0805
TRADES: colorful03 for oseven01 with Sakurairuy plum06 for cherry15 with Ruri oasis04 for illusions10 with ricecakee (+rainbows) arashi0809 for oseven03 with Tomoyodesu (+rainbows) pbtensei07 for oseven10 with Vanessa (+rainbows) artistic08 and oasis09 for oseven04 and illusions10 with Jennifer (+rainbows) story04 for aiba0804 with Pocco (+rainbows) jun0806 and ninocut07 for balance05 and balance10 with Kimitsu (+rainbows)
UPDATES: balance06 Cover Confusion: O, balance03, artistic08 LYRICS: PB, junasia07 MEMORY: O, I, pbtensei07, oasis09 MYSTERY CARD: SOLO, statement06 PUZZLE: B, I, redcarpet10, ninoasia05 SCENE: I, diary08, junasia06 SLOTS: !, N, listen05, ninocut05
Aiba Scramble: cdsakura05, ohnotime06, listen01, apricot03
Aiba Experiment: pvhero05, seductive09, cherry20
Aiba Costume: aiba0809, fulfillment04, photoohno_008, plum06
TRADES: chat06 for pvgalaxy09 with Helloova spring06 for illusions03 with Andante
UPDATES: lemon20
SCENE SCRAMBLE: !, ninocut07, freedom01
TRADES: ninoasia04 for cdsunrise04 with Betty chat01 for pvgalaxy02 with Helloova
COVER CONFUSION: J, illusions07, ninoasia04 GUESS INTRO: N, U, best07, pvtomadoi03 LYRICS MASTER: U, spring06 MEMORY: N, MAG, jun0806, oseven09 MYSTERY CARD: !, statement05 PUZZLE: I, J, clarity04, freedom05 SLOTS: PB, PV, shoasia08, pvhero10
TRADES: freshen03 and freshen08 for pvgalaxy01 and pvgalaxy06 with Vanessa kotoba02 for pvgalaxy10 with Jocey letters03 for oseven07 with Rhee
TRADES: ninotime01 for cd5x505 with Joanna stepout08 and sho0807 for chat06 and illusions06 with Pocco chat09 for aiba0803 with Helloova
MASTERED Flowers, Spotted, Switch: aiba0801, aiba0809, aiba0810, cdgalaxy07, chat05, colorful03, freshen08, ohnoasia04, pbtimeblue09, photoaiba_010, photoaiba_011, photoaiba_012
TRADES: arashi0805 for aiba0807 with Helloova
UPDATES: chat01
SHO LE PHOTO HUNT: PV, U, cdgalaxy01, ninocut01, photoninomiya_007
March 2008
TRADES: kotoba09 for cdsunrise10 with Ping
GUESS INTRO: SOLO, U, aibaasia10, chat09 LYRICS: !, arashi0805 SLOTS: N, J, shoasia01, freshen03 MYSTERY CARD: A, stepout08 MEMORY: H, PV, sho0809, cdsakura09 PUZZLE: N, O, chat03, sho0807 SCENE: A, make06, junasia08
TRADES: Redcarpet05 for oneself06 with Joselin naturally06 for illusions01 with Pocco special09, cdgalaxy03 and cdgalaxy08 for illusions04, pvgalaxy03 and pvgalaxy07 with Sandy pvgalaxy05 for illusions05 with Sakurairuy
OHNO PUZZLE: MAG, PB, I, I, O, photoaiba_001, cdgalaxy03, cdsakura02, junviva04, naturally08, pvgalaxy05
OHNO FOOD BATTLE: !, o, ohno0806, letters06
TRADES: arena03 for cd5x510 with BayStorm
Mastered Aiba Time: photoaiba_009, aiba0806, cdsakura08, make04
Trades: pvstep05 for alive01 with Jocey kotoba08 for spotted06 with Sakurairuy
TOKEN TRADE IN: OHNO, OHN!, OHN! for flowers09, kotoba09, alive09
TRADES: ninoasia03 for switch04 with Mere nino0805 for redcarpet05 with Kimitsu
Nino Treasure: Solo, A, I, aibaasia09, cdsakura01, pvgalaxy05
Nino Arrangement: !, !, I, cdgalaxy08, cdsunrise08, cherish10, pvdaijoubu06
Nino Letter Hunt: CD, B, O, more01, pvgalaxy04, together04, photoohno_004
Level Up: photoaiba_007, crosstalk08, special06
Trades: colorful02 for aiba0808 with Betty arashi0806 for aibatime04 with Emy_style nino0806 for aiba0805 with Rosevic ohno0801 for switch08 with Jennifer
GUESS INTRO: !, A, cdsakura01, arena03 COVER CONFUSION: PV, kotoba02, oseven09 LYRICS: PB, nino0805 MEMORY: J, N, kotoba08, junasia02 MYSTERY: N, more07 PUZZLE: CD, U, arashi0806, letters03 SLOTS: MAG, CD, oneself08, ohno0801 SCENE: !, nino0806, cherish04
UPDATES: aiba0802 and colorful02
TRADES: ninoasia04 and ninoasia05 for cdsunrise02 and cdsunrise07 with Vanessa
TRADES: shotime06 for cd5x508 with Nanao
TRADES: pvtomadoi08 for my cd5x504 with Pocco about05 for more01 with Sakurairuy kotoba06 for cdsunrise03 with Andante
Mastered Crosstalk: cdsunrise09, diary03, listen05, photoaiba_006
TRADES: juntime10 for switch05 with Yunira
TRADES: skyhigh03 for spotted02 with Whitetooth
SCENE SCRAMBLE: H, about05, oneself09
COVER CONFUSION: S, pvtomadoi08, ninoasia03 GUESS INTRO: solo, mag, aibaasia07, pvstep05 LYRICS MASTER: !, freedom10 MYSTERY CARD: J, juntime10 SLOTS: J, B cdsunrise06, kotoba06 MEMORY: B, !, crosstalk06, about08 PUZZLE: U, S, clarity01, pvhero01
NEW DECKS: cdsunrise05, letters06
TRADES: about08 for switch06 with Sakurairuy letters06 for oseven06 with Baystorm shoasia07, shoasia10 for aibatime03, aibatime07 with Aku special05 for cdsunrise01 with Betty aibaasia07 for spotted05 with Jocey
TRADES: namida04 for spotted07 with Mi-chan
TRADES:pvgalaxy05 & 07 for flowers02 and celebration02 with Jasmine aibaasia03 for cd5x503 with Rosevic arena07 for freedom06 with Sakurairuy cdsakura02 for spotted01 yuubi
TRADES: skyhigh08 for illusions02 with Ricecakee timeblue01 and skyhigh09 for spotted03 and aibatime06 with jenshinnn
TRADES: cdaozora02 and cdaozora05 for cd5x502 cd5x507 with Kimitsu together09 for pvgalaxy05 with Ping
Mastered "Listen": badge, freelephoto token, arena07, flowers06, special09
TRADES: winterstorm06 for switch03 with Jasmine clarity04 for switch10 with Mere
freelephoto token trade in: photoninomiya009
Level Up: photoaiba_005, cd5x501, shoasia07
ARASHI token trade in: listen04, listen10
TRADES: spotted08 for switch07 with Rhee shoasia02 for ninoasia05 with Jocey junviva07 for aibatime02 with Jenshinnn freshen03 for ninoasia04 with Tracey cherish07 for aibatime05 with Ruri arena10 for spotted04 with sakurairuy junasia06 for spotted08 with Sandy
New Decks: pbtimeblue01
GUESS INTRO: S, Mag, cdaozora02, aibaasia03 COVER CONFUSION: U, siesta04, cdaozora05 LYRICS MASTER: N, clarity04 MEMORY: I, A, flowers03, winterstorm06 MYSTERY CARD: Solo, junasia06 PUZZLE: J, PV, oneself03, skyhigh09 SLOTS: H, Solo, switch09, dvdstep07 SCENE SCRAMBLE: A, aibatime09, arena10
Birthday gifts: photoninomiya004, arashi token
NEW DECKS: switch01 and shoasia06
GUESS INTRO: B, U, junviva03, cdsakura02 LYRICS MASTER: B, cherish07, freedom01 SLOTS: S, solo, shoasia10, switch02 PUZZLE: CD, PB, skyhigh03, pvdaijoubu02 MEMORY: solo, PV, flowers08, namida04 MYSTERY: freshen03, N SCENE SCRAMBLE: mag, shoasia02, together09 COVER CONFUSION: H, spotted09, special05
TRADES: cherish06 for flowers04 with Sam shoasia06 for crosstalk03 ricecakee freedom01 for crosstalk10 with Kimitsu Oneself 06 for spotted10 with mi-chan pvtomadoi02 for listen09 with Elizabethh
TRADES: cherish03 for listen07 with yuubi naturally07 for flowers07 with Emy_style ohnotime07 for crosstalk09 with Yuutan freedom08 for crosstalk07 with Itachi
Prejoin update#3:junviva07 and listen01
TRADES: pbtimesilver06 for listen08 with Betty together05 for ninotime02 with Ping cdsakura07 for spotted08 with Joselin seductive01 for aibatime10 with Vanessa freedom05 for crosstalk05 with Rhee NinoCut02 for Listen03 and NinoCut08 for AibaTime01 with Rosevic dvdstep08 for listen06 with Sandy
Feb 2008
starter pack: CARDS best06, cherish06, dvdstep08, flowers01, flowers10, oneself06, pbtime, silver06, pvgalaxy07 PHOTOS PhotoAiba001, PhotoAiba004 TOKENS CD, PV, PB, Solo, A, I, U
SLOTS: cherish03, freedom08, I, !, N COVER CONFUSION: crosstalk02, listen05, H GUESS INTRO: ninocut02, listen02, PBx2, MAGx1 LYRICS MASTER: pvdaijoubu08, crosstalk01, S MEMORY: ninocut08, together10, U, MAG PUZZLE: naturally07, naturally06, skyhigh08, O, N MYSTERY CARD: freedom05, cdsakura07, O
Prejoin Update#2: seductive01 Prejoin Update#1: shotime06, ohnotime07, ninotime03, juntime04, aibatime08 SCENE SCRAMBLE: H, O
TRADES: ninotime03 for flowers05 with Rhee, juntime04 for crosstalk08 with jenshinnn
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