Jan 26, 2004 13:07
2nd place!
in light of skullsquadronSKULLSQUADRON! achieving second place in the lawrence trivia contest (along with the general consensus of the team that we should take the bank of kaukauna team down like the little bitches they are next year), i have decided that i will spend the next 364 days training for trivia.
i will spend a yet-to-be-determined amount of time per day looking obscure facts up on the internet with a focus on speed and accuracy. i will look things up in the indexes of real books. i will call my friends over and over and over again and try to ply them for roundabout information that will lead me to the correct answer. i was considering trying to figure out how to practice thinking while suffering from sleep deprivation, but i think i'll skip that part.
so feel free to ask me questions about obscure facts whenever you see me. you'll be doing me a favor.