May 14, 2005 22:53
Beth n tam look awesome in tams web pics! I like the one with beth in her sweet sunglasses... haha so awesome! N the 1 with the 3 of us! I def don't like a few pics of me tho....
Last night i went to lois's poetry partayy. Seen kristen n sharla (i hope i'm spelling sharla right!) n of coarse lois, beth, dom n jess, gabe (my new life long friend) scott, sam n john, steph, summer n i know i'm forgettin tonsa poeple but it was fun!! I'm def glad i went. N i didn't get lost! My direction skills are definitley improving, yay
Tonight i coulda seen pablo fransico at the comedy connection with sheela my love.... i don't even wanna talk about it
K i'm peacin out. Gnight, farewell, so long, avitazane, aduu, lata