Yeah, okay. I just discovered
lolcats last night. Now I'm addicted.
I got hooked via
Making Light, an excellent and entertaining site anyway, and spent most of last evening reading (and writing) lolcat/l33tspeak poetry and then tracking down all the macro cats I could find, and laughing hysterically. The more you read, the funnier it all gets.
It sure made the work day more entertaining today, albeit only to me. Ordinarily I'd be happy anyway because it's Friday, but I stupidly agreed to work tomorrow. Bleah. And my job sucks even if it does pay pretty well, and my boss is crazy and has fired or driven off everyone else in the office. But today I kept captioning everything mentally, which made me much happier. When my boss handed me my paycheck today, of course I thought, "I has a money."
Now what I do wif it?