Title: Too Close Love
Author: Saana
Pairing: Sakuraiba (main), Ohmiya, JunxToma (side)
Rating: R-ish
Genre: AU, angst (a lot), fluff,
Warning: incest-ish - don’t like, don’t read!
Disc.: this is a fanfiction, which means I’m a fan and this is a fiction
Summary: It’s never easy when your parent suddenly decide to remarry but if you get an
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Comments 13
Poor Masaki!!!! I know that this is hard on Sho too, but... the scene on the festival... this broke Aiba's heart. T.T
I hope that Sho would do something when he heasd that Masaki is laving... Or his friends tell something to Sho.
Thanks for your hard work and waiting for more!!!!^^
this is so sad
poor Masaki T__T
the scene is really hurt for Masaki
waiting for next~~
thank you for this
Well, I expect you to post the next chapter ASAP 'cause I'll produce withdrawal symptoms. :D *chu*
yay, I'm glad you liked the idea of Masaki in yukata ^.^ but he's just gorgeous in one... *sigh*
PS. the next chap is almost finished ;P
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