I took nearly 300 pictures during that four days so I decided to post some of them to show you what I saw and/or did during these four days....
Actually, I really like this part of my country cause it's all beautiful hills, mountains and forests.
There is even an old castle at the village where we stayed^.^
And this is the sight from up there:
Don't know why, but I love taking pics about the sky...
And a little Koizora feeling... Those who saw the dorama or movie version of the story, know what I mean; those who doesn't yet: go watch it right now! XD Btw I prefer the movie version with Miura Haruma >__<
These are just some random pics what touched me somehow there...
Best ice coffee I had recently... XD (oh, and btw that's my daddy in the background XD)
And last: this is