Title: You’re my Angel (multi-chap)
Pairing: Aiba/??; Jun/Mao (now, others come later)
Rating: PG-13 - NC-17 (the series)
Genre: angst, fluff, smut, humor… (a little bit everything will be here, I guess…)
Disc.: As far as I know I don’t own them but maybe they’ll be delivered to me today…
Summary: He’s the Miracle Boy but this one time the miracle
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if not, i'll totally brick you..lol =)
but thanks for reading:)
that's a friendly promise..LOL =)
just kidding..
keep writing sakuraiba fics..
you totally have the talent for it.. XD
but I always happily take requests so if there's something you wanna read just tell me and I'll try write it!XD
you still manage to pique my interest in your fics.. =)
as for suggestions, just some sakuraiba love is enough for me.. XD
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