What I'm Reading

Aug 19, 2004 12:12

_One Woman's West: Recollections of the Oregon Trail and Settling the Northwest Country by Martha Gay Masterson 1838 - 1916_ Ed. Lois Barton. I haven't been able to stop reading stories and journals about life on and after the Oregon Trail since I first went to Oregon in 1973. These are stories of sacrifice and struggle, viewed with the faith and sense of humor which is what seems to have sustained the women who survived the trip west. This book I will keep.

_Seabiscuit: An American Legend_ by Laura Hillenbrand. I saw the movie first, and like the book better, though the movie was no slouch. Good read, not a keeper.

_The Way of the Shaman_ by Michael Harner. My friend Nancy Katz, D.C., has been studying Shamanism for years, and I with just a passing knowledge of the subject, am amazed at the serious discipline and self knowledge the work requires. I probably won't keep this for my permanent collection but am glad to have read it.

_Pigs In Heaven_ by Barbara Kingsolver. This is a quickie read once, pleasantly exciting, and I like the six year old Turtle's mom, because she believes what her daughter says she saw, far fetched as it may seem, and young Turtle turns out to be right. Yay for parents who believe their children!

_The Man Who Died Twice_ by Samuel Peeples is a throw away read, or a pass on without serious recommendation. I picked it up in a train station, and will probably leave it in or near one. It was written by a TV script writer, and it shows.

I have a whole bunch of books on my To Be Read list, including a big ol' package of them from Ted Kuster, who sent me some I really want to read. (Thanks again Ted.) I have begun _Lies and The Lying Liars Who Tell Them_, but have not yet finished enough to say more than I'm loving it.

My new braces are making it possible for me to walk, though I have to wear them starting the minute I get out of bed until the minute I go to sleep, except when I lie down a bit. My ankles still hurt all the time, but I guess I might as well get accustomed to it. Surgery is now somewhere off in the future. I still stretch and exercise, though without much will or spirit. I just do it. I've been reading a lot, (Obviously) and watching movies. It helps me not notice the pain. I'm back to pain pills almost continually. I hate that too much, honey. (As Larry West would say.)

I found a dictionary for the church where I play scrabble on Friday nights. The dcitionary is copyright 1989, but has lots more words than the pocket dictionary they're using now, and only $3. Can't beat that. Life is good/fine, things are okay. I'm indestructible.
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