May 21, 2006 21:20
So I've been thinking a lot about how I personally have changed/grown as a person. I've come to realize that even though I say I won't let myself get hurt by others, it would happen anyway because I am too optimisitc or the opposite= pessimistic/realistic.
Speaking of Pessimism and realism,I also made up this quote: Pessimism is based on an attitude that we can control, and realism is based on an attitude that controls us. It's is sorta true since realism limits our thinking, and since limitation is a form of control, it technically makes sense.
Anyway, sometimes I connect with people so well that I basically love doing all that I can to make them happy and that makes me happy, and then sometimes I am pushed away without a second thought or a moments notice, and that hurts still. But didn't I tell myself that I wouldn't let myself get too close to let anyone hurt me? so basically I try to be as honest as possible, because honesty always makes sense and has the best rationales;
but as honest as I am with everyone else, I keep lying to myself.
In other news:
today I also got my Xmen 3 tickets in advanced for the thursday midnite showing at Seven bridges cinemark. sweet! 7 bucks per student even when it is in advanced. TAKE THAT AMC 9 dollars and 50cents CAN-ripoff-TERA!
Anyone want to go with me in a bigger group?! come! buy tickets soon! house 1 (12:01 midnight)!
Call me up so I know we are meeting! Can't wait!