Mar 08, 2006 18:26
Omigosh, going skating with Coootney Snooc tongight. So excited, it's gonna be fun, Court absolutely can not skate either, aweseomeness! =P So this mornign was reallly awesome, afternoon was reallly crap. Cept for one part....right after crapppy ahrd science test...sigh. Tehe, anywyas, so this skating thing, trying to make it weekly, went last week with Carina was great, but she can't come tonightn, s'ok, thouhg, it'lll just be me and courtney. Wheee, I am sooooo excited =D!!!!!! hehe
ooooooooohhhh! Me and Sarah Hill are going to visit Angie on Friday. I am sooooooo excited, it is going to be AWESOME! We were supposed to go with a bunch of people, but I kinda forgot to call and telll lots of people before too late =P Jenn would come, cept she has strep throat, an ear infection, and a chest cold and she is CONTAGIOUS!!! =O *gasp*, coooties. XP I miss her so much at school, she is like my...I dunno, but I need her. ANd I'm really missing Ashley in englsih and drama grumblegrumble, she's in cuba! pfff, what a bum =P anyways, coutney will be here sooon, gots ta go