Oh man

Feb 19, 2006 22:08

I just reread my last entry. You practically need a melissa-ized dictionary to decode my writing. =p pfff, it's terrible. Today was work. It was goood, actually. the kids were a tad younger then my normal thursday night class, but s'ok. And it was only until 12:15 too, not until 1:30. Jamila must have been confused cause it's till 1:30 on saturdays but not sundays =) I've got eight and a half hours this week. That's a lot more than my usual two and a half =P So hurrah, paid next thursday, that'l be from two and three weeks ago, then the next paycheque will be this past week and this next week. And I'm working parties on sunday, apparently. I mean, I signed up for it, I just didn't remember that I did >.< Smart eh? =P I thought I was jsut signing up for saturdays, and umm, oops? So anyways, it's allright.
Oh man, I finished my essay!!! =D It's kind of really crappy, but I'll get Ms. Hung to read it tomorrow and hopefully she'll help me make it better. Ms. Hung is a pretty cool teacher.
So we've been missing a lot of school lately, it's crazy. And this friday is vocal festival all day, then next week is rotary, which is at our school so at least we don't miss the whole day, but still, it's kinda crazy. My teacher's are gonna get really tired of me telling them I won't be there.
We had a field trip on thursday. Dunno if I've already said this or not, but we did. It was a dance music type presentation type thing of Africa's history. For black history month. It was really really cool, and we got to go downtown, and the theatre was really really pretty (phantom-esque) and we got to go in coach buses!! It was the awesomest thing ever, cause there was freezing rain warnings in toronto so the school buses weren't running, so our principal called up the coach bus company and I guess called in a favour or soemthing, cauise we got two buses. It was so great. On the way there we sat six of us together, spanish crew minus ashley (she was on the other bus cause she isn't in our class), and the courtneys. It was excellent, very fun, really hyper, lots of stories, and totally exhausting. On the way home I was sitting wiht Jenn but she was dead tired and I was like "are you gonna be boring?" And she said yes, but then it was ok, causae they put a movie on!! It was liar liar and I sat there laughing the entire ride home, it was awesome, my brain was so fried, and I could just sit there and watch the movie. Very excellent
Anyways, that's kind of random, I don't know why I started talking about our field trip, but whatever. I have a newspaper report to write, though I'm thiknking that I might just do it at lunchtime. OH crap!!!! I just remembered that history is second period. Oh ugggghhhhhh, now I have to do it now, crap. =( ugh, poo, so I guess I gotta go then. Lates
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