[VF Fic] Dancing with the Devil - Prologue

Jul 18, 2007 18:00

Title: “Dancing with the Devil” - Prologue
Pairings/Characters: AsamixAki, Kou, Katou, & Gori
Rating: 18+
Warnings: disturbing material, blood, chibi transformations and comedic gags
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Yamane-sensei. My story is completely fiction. Any resemblance to locales or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental. I REPEAT coincidental.
Note: Alright! This is my first shot for my fanfic. Sorry it took long to get this fanfic out. I promised someone that it would be out (that would be sunflower1343). Nothing happening yet in this chapter, but there will some smex and smut in the next one. Mikhail and Fei will also come in the later chapters.

A very special big thanks to 90McPhee, miershyk, and arcuied_11 for the time in beta-editing this fic. Thank you so much you guys!

Hope you guys like this! Enjoy! =)

Italics represent a dream, thought, or expression of the character.

Dancing with the Devil:

In the past life, there was an angel who was loved by the creator himself. After the angel was exiled from Eden for disobeying God, he was cursed to live through countless reincarnations and suffer many violent deaths. The devil who had followed him, has now found him. The young man however, is unaware of the fate that is awaiting him.
Where am I? Is this a jungle? He stood in the middle of the lush, green leaves. Vines dangling from the tree canopy high above swayed in the wind. He watched as the clear,blue sky turned dark crimson red. White birds flew, and cried out as they dropped to the ground dead, bleeding black blood. His eyes followed the blood to where it collected in a giant pool. A dark cloaked figure formed out of the pool. The figure approached him, holding out something in his hand. He tried to see whose face it was hiding in the shadows. The shadow spoke.

"For you my beautiful angel."

He looked to see what it was the figure was holding. A horrified look washed over his face. It was a man’s head, covered in blood. It opened its eyes and spoke

"Why!? Why did you betray me!?"


"You said you loved me."

Tentacles spilling black blood and bile poured from the severed head’s mouth. They slithered towards him.


The once beautiful jungle turned into an ugly, hellish scene of fire, dead trees and plants, leaving only a burning wasteland. Hands erupted from the ground and grabbed him, pulling him into the earth, swallowing him.


Takaba screamed, rising up from his bed. Trembling in a cold sweat, he covered his face with his hands. That dream again. When will it ever stop?

"Takaba! Are you alright!?" He heard footsteps running up the stairs and a woman came into his room.

"Yes…" he replied.

His eyes were looking wearily at his mother who was fussing over him. With worried eyes and hands clasped on his face, she was looking for a sign that he was alright.

"You’ve been having another nightmare again?"

Takaba sighed in response.

"You know, I think you really need to get some sleep therapy. Because if you keep having these dreams…"

"Yes, yes I know…"

"I’m just trying to help you. You are my son and I love you very much. More than that idiot father of yours."

He glared at her.

"What? Why are you giving me that look? Don’t disrespect me with that"

"Nothing. It’s just…when you talk about him and I remember him now. I miss him…"

His voice was shaking. He bit his lips, restraining himself not to cry. After a few awkward moments of trying to control himself, he bursted into tears. His mother felt bad for what she had done and wrapped her arms around him.

"I’m sorry son. Things have been hard for you and me since your father left us, but please, I don’t want to see you suffering like this."

"Okay" Takaba voice muffled in his mother’s warm clothes. His mother was always by his side when he needed her the most. Since his father died in the car accident, he was left in shock and spent countless nights crying himself to sleep alone.

His mother comforted him, cuddling his head with her hand. It felt nice and peaceful. If only this would last forever.

"Oh! It’s 7:15 right now. You have to take pictures today right?"


"Okay, go get yourself washed up. I’ll make you dinner before you leave."

Takaba got out of his bed, leaving behind wet sheets from his nightmare induced sweat.

"Geez! For a growing man like you, you need to stop peeing on your bed."


Laughter bubbled out of his mother and he laughed as well. She removed the drenched sheets and brought them out of the room. I guess that means we’re okay then. He thought and smiled. Even though both of them had their differences as mother and son, they were still happy together. Their bond was still strong.

He washed his face and took a quick shower. Dressed himself in a long sleeve T-shirt underneath a short sleeve shirt and khaki cargo pants. He prepared his equipment and film, packing them into his messenger bag. Last, but not least, he added his favorite A360/8.0 mega-pixel digital camera. He ate his dinner and drank the last of his remaining orange juice.

Before Akihito left, his mother kissed him on the cheek as he headed out the door.

"Goodbye honey. Be safe and watch yourself okay?"

"Okay mom."

He gave her a kiss back on the cheek and walked out the door.

Just before he reached the end of the sidewalk, before making a right turn toward his destination, his mother popped her head out of door and yelled.


"OKAY MOM!" He waved back at this mother before she disappeared through the opening.
It was night time and the moon was hanging heavily in the sky over the Tokyo Tower. He looked up at the moon. Huh, I’ve never seen the moon big and up close. It’s beautiful, mother should have come with me to see this. He continued walking through the district glittering with neon lights. Passing the pachinko parlors and gaming arcades. People were coming and going as they pleased. Cosplayers and performers dotted the walkways, grasping for attention with dark eyeliner and glossed lips.

He stopped walking when he came upon a pair of women dressed in casual wear with caps and boots. This was chance for him to get a perfect shot.

"Okay ladies, look over here and smile for the camera"

Takaba readied his camera on the two girls who were in front of a Saks Fifth Avenue store. They giggled and posed together for the young photographer.

"If you take a picture of us, will you take us out?"

"Sorry, I have a busy schedule today."

"At least buy us some drinks"

"All broke now"

They laughed and waved goodbye and he was left alone. Today was like any ordinary day. Same old, same old. Take pictures, make money, and go home. He had everything he wanted and there were no problems. But, he felt like something was missing in his life. He remembered the gruesome dreams that he had been having the past few nights. No, he wanted to forget about it. If only his friends were here. He remembered the childhood days when he was in Abenobashi, an shopping arcade which was located in the back alley of Shibuya, where he and his friends would go to play Street Fighter one-on-one. They ate soumen and kakigori at the summer festival, and set off fireworks.

"TAKABA-KUN!!! Hey over here!!"

He snapped out of his thoughts and spun in the direction of the voices to see two familiar faces.


The two glomped Takaba tightly around his small body and ruffled his hair with their hands. It had been a while since the three met in high school. The three of them had been friends since childhood. Kou and Katou were always the trouble makers, passing late night curfews, and doing things that any teenager would do. Takaba on the other hand was the "nice" kid and a do-gooder.

"Okay! Guy-HUH! Stop… I can’t… breath… here…"

Takaba gagged, his hands struggling against the pressure from the bodies that were squeezing the life out of him. His face went blue and he was about to burst.

"OH! Haha! Sorry man!"

Realizing that they were about to kill their friend, they released him, leaving the poor photographer deflated on the sidewalk like a wrinkled balloon.


Worried, Kou and Katou knelt over the limp form of their friend and started fanning him.

A few seconds later…

"Are you alright now?"

"Yeah, I think so. Next time, don’t do that, okay?" Takaba said, taking another drink from his bottle of water.

His friends had managed to drag him to a café not too far from where he passed out on the sidewalk. Luckily, he recovered without having to given "the breath of life," after the manager of the café gave him some cold water. Though, this was not the first it had happened. "Were sorry", Kou and Katou replied with sad faces as they played with their fingertips, feeling guilty about they done. They just couldn’t stop themselves from hugging him. Does he know how nice it feels when we hug him? He’s soft, like a pillow…

"Please forgive us!"

Driven by the thought of a soft, Aki-pillow, they jumped out of their seats, lips puckered, and were about to hug him again... when they were met with "angry, lion-faced Aki."



They shrank into the corner of their booth, hugging each other, gaining odd looks from the other customers. Eek? What’s with them? Aren’t they supposed to be men? Takaba was still in his seat standing his ground, hissing and baring his "fangs."

Takaba sighed, recovering from the pain and stress inflicted on him, then turned to face the ones who nearly killed him.

"So, how are you, Takaba-kun? We haven’t seen you in a while. What have you been up to?" Katou asked.

"I’m doing great! I’ve just got a part time job from Advance Magazine Publishers Inc. as the lead photographer and managing editor for Vogue."

"What!? Isn’t that a women’s fashion magazine? Damn! You are so lucky!"

"Uh, not really. I’m not THAT lucky. I was at the photo shoot trying to take my first pictures of the models forever and, after that, those ladies were trying to fornicate with me for two hours."

Kou and Katou stared at him, jaws dropped down in shock and faces dumbfounded. Not really? Not that lucky? Two hours!? Is this guy stupid or what? He doesn’t even know what he has going for him! Lucky bastard! Then again, he was never interested in girls to begin with. Wish I was there instead. Back in high school, when he was nominated for president of the photography club, and the class was jammed packed with squealing fan girls and, shockingly, guys (not much to their taste though), a pack of girls attacked him, tied him to a bed in the nurse’s clinic, and attempted to do an S&M ritual. The teachers called the police rescue squad to take down the cult and they had to cut the chains from the headboard. This left a teary, terrified Takaba with nothing but his teddy bear underwear and a ball gag in his mouth. His locker was always filled with love letters. One letter had a threat from a guy saying that if Akihito didn’t date him, he would commit suicide, and put himself on display in front of his house (naked). Another tried to "seme" him while he was doing some volunteer work, and THAT wasn’t normal. What a life this guy has…They thought.

The two shook their heads and sighed gloomily, leaving the curious virgin to wonder what they were thinking about.

Poor Takaba, he’s never gonna get a girlfriend if he keeps acting like this…He’s probably gonna be like this when he’s 40…

"What about you guys? Anything new going on?"

"Meh, nothing much. Kou and I invited some friends and hot chicks over to a sorority party tonight. Wanna come?"

"Well…I’d like to come with you guys but...I have to take care of my mother and I promised her that I would be home before midnight."

"Oh, so what? Are you a Mama’s boy now?"

They started laughing and Takaba’s face went red with embarrassment.

"NO I’M NOT! It’s just…"

"Ah come one! Isn’t it about time you stopped doing that for her? You’ve never gone to any parties with us, and I think it’s about time you got yourself a woman"

‘Yeah, you need to become a real man."

Takaba blushed. Real Man?

"I’m already a..." Takaba hesitated as he tried to find the right words to ward them off.

He told them that he was never interested in having a girlfriend. Well, he was a virgin, and a pathetic one at that. As a little boy, his mother had always told him that women were evil sluts and that the only thing they were interested in was money. He’d gone to Sunday masses and was a good boy, doing everything that his mother said, all to make her happy. But then, there were times when he would get scolded for playing with a girl and was given painfully long hours of lecturing. Takaba was starting to get nervous at the very thought of that.

"Well, I…"

"Don’t worry she’ll be fine. All your old lady ever does is listen to her radio and watch TV. We don’t want you to be stuck at home and not have any fun."

"Well…alright. I guess it’s about time I gave myself a break"

"YAY!" Kou and Katou huggled Takaba and started jumping up and down giggling.

"Not again! STOP IT! You’re going…to su-ffo-cate…me…again…"

"Okay then lets go!"

They released their death-grip on the smaller man and he went on ahead to pay. Kou and Katou waited for their friend outside on the busy, bustling streets. All the while, from above, a pair of golden eyes watched Akihito.

"Takaba what’s wrong?"

"Nothing, I just felt like someone was watching me just now…"

"Nah! It’s just you’re imagination. Come on now, let’s go! The ladies are waiting for us."

He knew something was watching him, but he couldn’t tell just what it was. Aki turned his back one more time and walked away.

"Hey you guys! Wait up!"

He dashed after the two with his camera flying around his neck.

As the group left, a dark coated man appeared and followed them through the crowd.
It was now midnight and the group had arrived at the dorm. Takaba could just barely hear the music vibrating in the house from outside.

"Okay now, remember, just be yourself. You’re here to have fun okay? Don’t be nervous now."

Takaba nodded his head in response. Kou took the lead and knocked on the door first. As the door opened, loud music blared out into the silent neighborhood. Inside the dorm, fraternities were chatting with sororities while people danced and drank.

"Hey Kou! Katou!"

A tall bleached blonde in a black halter top and jeans burst through the door and gave both of them hugs.

"Hey Chizuru! I see you’re looking as lovely as the last time we met."

"Oh stop it!"

She giggled and then fixed her eyes on the boy who was in the middle staring.

"Who’s your friend? He’s hot."

The blonde looked at him up and down beneath her dark eyeshadow and long fake eyelashes. The virgin blushed, turning his head away.

"Haha, I’m sorry Chizuru, my friend here is shy. This is Takaba Akihito by the way." The two pushed him forward to introduce himself. "Go on! Introduce yourself!"

"H-Hello, Takaba Akihito. It’s a pleasure to meet you."

The blonde smiled.

"Hello Takaba. It’s a pleasure to meet you as well."

"Is he the new rush-ee?" She asked Kou.

"Yes, have the others made it in yet?"

"What do you think?"

"I guess that’s a yes then."

"Okay then, you guys can come in now. We don’t want the neighbors come out and complain about the loud racket were making."

Chizuru walked in and waited for the boys to come in.

"Hey Katou! What’s a rush-ee?" whispered Takaba who was puzzled by what the blonde had said earlier.

"You’ll see." he replied with a sly smile.

They went inside and the door was shut tight behind them.

As the friends were ushered inside, two masculine figures watched from the darkness.

"Is he the one?"

"Yes. He is the one…"

"How can you be so sure? I mean, he’s just a mere human who is weak, stupid, and does nothing but take pictures."

"Do you have something in for the boy? I know you have a thing for young boys but this…THIS doesn’t suit your taste. Much less to your standards…"

"Haha, maybe I’m just trying something new for a change…"
"By the way, have you made the preparations yet?"

"They are ready now my lord."

"See to it that they are."

"Yes, my lord"

Gori disappeared in the background leaving only Asami accompanying the darkness. He looked back through the window where the three were standing and grinned deviously, when an evil thought came into mind on what he had in store for the young man.

"Akihito Takaba…soon you will be mine."


Atogaki (Afterword):

Whew! UoU *wipes away sweat* That is my first fanfic done so far! I’ve been hesitating a few times in between to get it done on deciding what it should be about. Started out some not related to the fic’s genre and been depriving whether I should wait after this fic series or just put it out instead earlier after this.

The fic’s genre I just wrote was suppose to be based on reincarnation, betrayal, and lost love. Took a little cue from Kaori Yuki’s Angel Sanctuary. Right now, it’s just on the sugar coated topping and not beneath yet. But more will be revealed with shocking revelations.

Well, the next chapter is going to have hot smex and smut as it said earlier in the foreword. Takaba is going learn that women are in fact very scary people. Then Asami appearing in his life and then who knows what’s going to happen. >=D

BTW, For those who don’t know the terms of the food I just added in.

Here are the terms with some definitions:

Kakigori - shaved iced with flavorful syrup toppings

Somen/Soumen - a cold noodle dish eaten with mentsuyu (shoyu-based soup) popular in Japan. Usually, it’s added with ice cubes to cool it down. You can add condiments like green onion, grated ginger, nori seaweed, shiso, wasabi, and shredded egg omelet. It can also be added with boiled shrinp, okra, or petite tomatoes.

Thank you for reading my fanfic. See you in the next chapter! =)

So what do you guys think? Any comments or ideas?

yaoi, asami ryuichi, fanfic, akihito takaba, dancing with the devil

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