Lump of Affection (3)

Sep 09, 2007 09:25

Lump of Affection (Chapter Three(3))

Title : Affection

Author : Sa_Runna

Rating : PG

Chapter : 3 "Saga"

Pairing : ShouxPon ShouxTora ShouxSaga ShouxNao ShouxShou

Warning : Childish Pon, Coolish Tora, Flirtish Saga, Motherly Nao, Poor Shou.

Disclaimer : I own their picture, I own their CD’s, I own my fic.

Summary : Shou is sick. Blame his bandmates. What would they do??

Chapter 3

It was 2 pm when Shou’s door bell ringing… He walked to the door and opened them for Saga at the different side of the door…

“Hello,, love… How’s your day?? Here,, I’ve bought you some J.CO donuts…” Saga’s cheerful yet flirty voice stung him…

“I’m fine,, honey… And my day is perfect because I’m having you here too see me…” Shou was always the right opponent for Saga to deal with.

“Haha… Guess I’d never win when it was about you…” He stepped closer and ruffled Shou’s already messy hair… “Oh god.. You’re hot…”

“Ow,, you’ve said that for a million times,, Saga… Now give me my J.CO… At least that would make me feel better…”

“Not that ‘HOT’ you perverted little boy!! Your forehead burned my beautiful delicate fingers!!” Saga swung his hand to prevent him from the hotness Shou had given him… Without wasting any minutes, Shou took the J.CO Box from Saga’s hand and placed them on the dining table…

“Yea yea… Now go home,, darling… Thank you for the offering…” The vocalist way to thank Saga really pissed him off. For a little revenge,, Saga leaned in closer and whispered something as he lifted up another bag…

“Are you sure you don’t want this, sweetheart?? I was intending to give this to you but if told me to go home,, well…” His seducing voice sent shiver through Shou’s spine… Not only that dammed too sexy voice, but also something in that bag that reminded him something…

“Sagacchi.. Don’t say that…”

“Ah,, yes, ‘that’…” The next move was Shou’s to grabbed that bag but failed. To make Shou even more curious, Saga pulled the edge of the seems to be a book thing.

“Saga, really, give that back to me!!” Shou didn’t have to hide his blush.

“If you really wanted me to go home,, I will” The bassist said smiling.

“Okay Saga,, I gave up. Do whatever you like, but just give me ‘that’!!”

“Ah,, Just kidding… Here… You’ve look as pale as a ghost… “ Saga tossed the bag that Shou immediately took. Exhausted, Shou lay himself on his couch followed by his companion.

“Saga… You’d took me the whole week hating you…” Shou said snorting and took the alcapone to his mouth.

“Haha.. But now you’re not, are you??”



“Okay.. I’m not hating you… But, what the hell bring this out of you…?”

“Umm… Maybe a sort of apologize… For making you hate me this whole week… For tackling you at the studio and made you dropped your keys…” Saga snorted lightly. His eyes darted from Shou’s to the peach colored curtain. Shou couldn’t help but smiling. His hand searched for Saga’s and grabbed it.

“Shou… Well… I guess it’s settled… Now I’m going back home before I could do anything to you… Hurry up and get well,, and we could fight again.. Hhe!” He grinned boyishly… Without any hesitation, he lifted and kissed Shou’s palm.

“Hmm… Okay, I will… Then, be careful…” And Shou lead Saga to the door.

-End of Chapter 3-

Third!! Okay,, third!!
Comments are welcomed!!!

Other chapters are here: -Ch.1-     -Ch.2-

"lump of affection", alice nine, my fic

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