
Dec 25, 2006 19:44

Tomorrow I'll be hitting the road for a few days with a buddy of mine who has Just Quit Smoking.

A week or so ago, some poor guy pulled out from the kerb without looking and smashed one of my headlights and gave a nice dent that extended to the passenger side door.

Since all the crash repairers are closed till the new year, my buddy and I will be meandering happily up the coast with the passenger side door unable to be opened ("Door guard's jammed" I said, matter of factly, mimicking the gesture I'd seen the mechanic do the day before). So far we've practiced a number of ways for her to get in and out. We've tried my scooting out of the car first to let her in, waiting till she climbs from the driver's seat to the passenger seat, before I scoot back it; Entering via one of the back doors (and then the other) and climbing over the front; window entry (much easier leaving the car than entering), fiddling with how far back the seat is set for maximum clambering ease...

We have yet to retry these tomorrow when the back seat will be full of sleeping gear and a random assortment of Stuff that Seemed Necessary at Point of Packing.

I love Christmas puzzles.
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